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Synergy breaks Alt-Tab in fullscreen VirtualBox

Samo Dadela

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Samo Dadela
Hi, [Synergy 1.7.6 on Win7 x64 host] In VirtualBox when you enter fullscreen alt-tab should switch between windows in the (fullscreen) guest. However when the synergy service is started alt-tab switches windows on the host. Stopping the synergy service fixes the problem. This happens on the host where synergy is installed as the server (didn't try what happens on client screens). It's annoying since I'm not able to use VMs when running synergy (each time I hit alt-tab I 'get away' from the VM). Is there something that can be done about this? I find such behavior weird since it happens also when no synergy clients are connected - if there are no clients synergy should make itself 'invisible'. Best regards, Samo
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