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Can't create deb package on Debian 8


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I have a fresh install of debian 8 i386 I installed successfully the next packages: [code]$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev python qt4-dev-tools xorg-dev[/code] https://github.com/symless/synergy/wiki ... g#Debian_8 I have compiled synergy as indicated in https://github.com/symless/synergy/wiki ... x_Mac_OS_X [code]$ ./hm.sh conf -g1[/code] and [code]$ ./hm.sh build[/code] The binaries have been created without error previously [code]$ ls bin/ integtests plugins synergy synergyc synergyd synergys syntool unittests usynergy[/code] when I run [code]$ hm package deb[/code] https://github.com/symless/synergy/wiki ... installers I get the following [code]$ ./hm.sh package deb Mapping command: package -> dist Error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory[/code] if I pass the verbose parameter, I get the following [code]$ ./hm.sh package deb -v Mapping command: package -> dist Traceback (most recent call last): File "hm.py", line 24, in <module> tc.run(sys.argv) File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 196, in run self.start_cmd(argv) File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 132, in start_cmd self.run_cmd(cmd, argv[2:]) File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 178, in run_cmd cmd_func() File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 1936, in dist self.ic.dist(type, self.vcRedistDir, self.qtDir) File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 1039, in dist self.distDeb() File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 1116, in distDeb self.getVersionForFilename(), File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 1363, in getVersionForFilename gitBranch = self.getGitBranchName() File "ext/toolchain/commands1.py", line 968, in getGitBranchName stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__ errread, errwrite) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1335, in _execute_child raise child_exception OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory [/code] What am I doing wrong? :roll:
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  • 6 months later...
Christina Clarke

Hi, this happened to me (thanks for posting the exact trace, which helped me find & diagnose this). Here's how I worked around it:


For me it was caused because I had to compile 1.7.5 not from GitHub for compatibility reasons (don't ask!). This meant that the version info was not available in the expected GitHub location - hence the file not found error. To workaround it, I commented the 3 lines in command1.py (around 1362-3 for me) that parse+return the version info, and hardcoded my known version#; so that call returned the literal string "1-7-5".


Not nice, but kept me going...


HTH someone :)

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Hi, this happened to me (thanks for posting the exact trace, which helped me find & diagnose this). Here's how I worked around it:


For me it was caused because I had to compile 1.7.5 not from GitHub for compatibility reasons (don't ask!). This meant that the version info was not available in the expected GitHub location - hence the file not found error. To workaround it, I commented the 3 lines in command1.py (around 1362-3 for me) that parse+return the version info, and hardcoded my known version#; so that call returned the literal string "1-7-5".


Not nice, but kept me going...


HTH someone :)


Thanks Christina for your reply, I tried on Debian 8 (Only CLI) over a Virtual Machine, I have debian 7 on my desktop pc, the new synergy versions can't compile for my old dependencies.


Best Regards from México

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I'm not sure if we ran into the same error, but I needed to install git to compile.


I was using Mint 18 so I was able to use:

sudo apt-get install git-all


Hopefully that helps you out.

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