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Synergy 1.7.6 | mouse select intermittently broken

Evan Cooch

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Evan Cooch
Using 1.7.6 -- Win 7 pro server, GNU/Linux (RHEL 6.xx) client. Generally, works as advertized (and I've been using Synergy for 7-8 years), but there is a nasty, somewhat unpredictable bug -- when running the synergy service, synergy periodically 'breaks' mouse select in some (but not all) applications. For example, can't use the mouse to select lines in Word, or a PDF file, or even fairly 'simple' ASCII editors I use with some frequency). I confirm the problem is with synergy since if I temporarily halt the synergy service, problem vanishes. And, the problem is intermittent --- when I first start up Word (say), I can use the mouse to select text with no problems. However, if I leave Word, do something in another application (I refuse to use the diminutive 'app', ever), then come back to Word, can't use the mouse to select anything. Seems like synergy is fighting with the clipboard buffer (which I suspect is involved when selecting lines). At any rate, this is a major pain in the butt (or some other sensitive body part) -- here's my vote for making this a priority fix.
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William Wray Jr.
Hi, I have the same issue. I don't know which version of Synergy I am using, but I only recently installed and purchased it. Here are some of the issues that I have that I don't have when I stop Synergy: 1. In Microsoft Word, I cannot move text and other items using the vertical or horizontal rulers, something that I absolutely need to be able to do. 2. " " ", I cannot select text with my mouse. 3. " " ", there are a few other impairments along the same line that I can't recall right now. 4. In Google Chrome, running synergy somehow results in me having to take an extra action to confirm that I am in the browser window before I can take an action. For example, I'll ALT+TAB over to Google Chrome and hit Ctrl+T for a new tab, or Ctrl+F to search within a page, and it won't recognize my first keystrokes. I will have to enter in a null keystroke before keyboard shortcuts are recognized. I have these issues whether or not I am running a Synergy Client. The issues stop when I stop the Synergy server. EDIT: I am using the most recent version of Office software and Windows 10. I love Synergy, but I will uninstall and seek a refund if these issues aren't fixed. Thanks.
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Evan Cooch
My guess is the issue(s) are similar to those in the following thread: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1270 Various suggestions for 'things to try' in the final post in the thread might be worth exploring. Your results might vary, of course.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I apologize for the difficulty. Unfortunately, MS Office interrupts Synergy's access to the mouse, which prevents text select features. This issue is discussed on our Github, here: https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/3044 Some users find that using Synergy in elevated mode resolves this. Others rely on key combos that restored this feature. This can be as simple as pressing the Windows key or a combination of modifier keys, plus tab and escape. I haven't found any that work consistently for our users. Some users stop Synergy when working in these apps.
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I have the same problem. Any dragging functionality using the mouse doesn't work. Selecting text, dragging icons, moving shapes in Illustrator etc. I have not had much luck resolving the issue with any combination of keys. In order to fix it, I have to stop and start the server. I am trying to run the server in elevated mode now, and I will see how that affects things.
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