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Synergy compatibility with Adobe Softwares

Aljoscha Kirschner

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Aljoscha Kirschner
Hello, I bought the standard version and started using Synergy a few days ago, though I discovered today when Synergy is running, there are various features and functions in Adobe Products (such as Premiere Pro and Photoshop, although almost all are affected to a certain extent) that would become inactive. The features and functions range from basic keyboard shortcuts in Premiere Pro to important features such as the free transform tool in Photoshop not allowing me to resize and transform a layer/image. Unfortunately I am uncertain how these issues/bug/glitches occurred, I would guess it is a problem with the way Synergy handles mouse and keyboard, but I am not a software developer therefore I do not have much ideas for what's really going on. As of yet this is only a minor issue for me, since when I'm working on a project I rarely use more than a computer, but it is certainly a hindrance I can see being frustrating in the long run. Here are some basic specs to my computers, please feel free to ask for any more information if needed: Server - PC running Windows 10, connected to Cooler Master Octane Keyboard and Corsair M95 Mouse, Synergy up to date as of May. 22nd, 2016 Client - Macbook Pro Early 2011, built in keyboard and mouse (not in use when Synergy is active), Synergy up to date as of May. 22nd, 2016 Regards, Aljoscha
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Unfortunately, some apps, like Adobe and MS Office, prevent Synergy from properly communicating mouse moves, which breaks text select. Most users are able to get around this by enabling Relative mouse moves on the server, and switching to Elevate mode on the (Windows) client. To make this change, follow the instructions below: Open Synergy on the server Click on the button labeled "Configure server..." Click on the tab "Advanced server settings" On the right hand side, check the box labeled "Use relative mouse moves" Click "OK" Click "Apply" or "Start" Open Synergy on the (Windows) client Go to Edit > Settings > Elevate Mode Click "Apply" Also on the client, press the Scroll Lock key on the keyboard. This should prevent your mouse from leaving the screen. Press it again to be able to switch back to the server. Some users report that they find a sequence of keys to restore drag-select. This ranges from as simple as just pressing the Windows key to combining modifier keys, plus tab and escape. I haven't found any that work consistently, however. Some users just stop Synergy when they need to work in these apps. If this is the case for you, just let me know and I can refund your payment. This is being tracked here: https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/2695 https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/3044 https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/4508
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