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Keyboard problem with El Capitan and Debian

Erwan David

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Erwan David
Hi, I want to control a debian Jessie from a El Capitan Mac. Instaling 1.7.6 on both, everything works fine. But today mouse goes to the debian, mouse events are seen, I can have focus in debian, but keyboard events are directed to the last window with focus on the mac. Is there a workaround for this ?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Erwan David
Ok, I found my Iterm2 had Secure keyboard entry activated. By ynchecking it it now works.
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Derek Neely
I'm experiencing a similar issue with connectivity with El Capitan and Debian. If I reboot both machines and start Synergy everything is fine. After some time though, the mouse still works but the keyboard stops working. Even after a hard Quit of synergy on both machines the keyboard will not work. I have to reboot both computers to get the keyboard to work again over on the Debian box. Another note. After the problem first occurred I noticed there was and update. I've updated both boxes with the latest Synergy and still see the issue. I do not have the Secure Keyboard Entry setting checked on my Terminal
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Derek Neely
New update. Appears I only have to reboot the Server computer (in this case the mac) to get the keyboard to work again over on the client. Still a pain to have to reboot every so often just to get this to work.
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Ben Reiter
I'm also experiencing this now with OS X 10.11.5 server and Windows 7 client, both with 1.7.6. The mouse will move to the Win7 client but keypresses remain on the Mac screen. In debug 1 logging, the server says that it's sending the key down event to the client's address but the focus remains on the Mac (I'm typing this on the Mac with the cursor in the Windows desktop). Oddly, when I just now hit option to delete and retype a word, the Windows menu opened (which is the correct behavior over on that side). So clearly _some_ keypresses are being caught by the client, while also being caught by the server. Restarting Synergy on both ends has not resolved the issue. Guess I'll try rebooting the Mac like Derek did :(
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Derek Neely
I guess no one has figured out the issue as of yet or have heard anything from the Synergy team? This is a real pain in the butt. Works for a few days then suddenly no keyboard, reboot, restart all my terminals, monitors etc.
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