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Polish symbols (Win10 + Win7)

Pawel Stuczynski

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Pawel Stuczynski
Hello I have problem with Polish characters on client machine.. this is very strange.. Keys mapping is OK, all other keys works correctly. When pressing `rAlt+`: key on host => host/client rAlt+e => ę/e rAlt+u => €/€ rAlt+o => ó/ó rAlt+l => ł/l rAlt+s => ś/s rAlt+a => ą/a rAlt+z => ż/z rAlt+x => ź/z rAlt+c => ć/c rAlt+n => ń/n So.. only two characters works correctly..
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  • 3 months later...
Pawel Stuczynski
Really nobody can help? It makes me rage... Today I discovered when on Win10 machine (server) I switch keyboard to US I can use Polish characters on client machine... but when on server I go back to Polish keyboard I'm again not able to use Polish characters on client machine.
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