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Waste of money...?

Matthias Wahl

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Matthias Wahl
I'm on a 3 Mac environment and thought Synergy will help me "cleaning up" my desktop from all the keyboards and Mouse stuff. Instead I still have to keep all of it connected because all I get from Synergy is "basic" mouse and keyboard controls. No Multigestures (mouse and trackpad) No (reliable) file copy&paste (sometimes it works... sometimes it moves the file instead of copying... sometime it does nothing at all) No Audio controls (iTunes, System) No "special keys" on mouse or keyboard support No idea how to program "hotkeys" (doesn't matter what I've tried... it does nothing at all) Not exactly what I've expected from a "Not-Freeware"...! ShareMouse proofs that all of this stuff IS possible...!!!
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Synergy is definitely a waste of money.  I purchased it today to use my surface as a secondary monitor.  I can use the mouse and keyboard on the secondary monitor (surface) but not drag an drop files to the secondary PC, nor can i use copy past between the machines.  

Synergy probably know about thees issues because they are not letting you download a trial version.  I would not spend the money on Synergy if i could have tested it first. 

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