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Multi Monitor 3 & 1 Square

Christopher Hanley

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Christopher Hanley
I need help with the setup of my Windows & Mac setup. I have 3 monitors on my windows machine (cacdtlch2343) and 1 on my mac (wexford) [Win 3][Win 1] [ Mac ][Win 2] Any assistance or advice would be appreciated.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Joe Suddath
I am having a similar issue (I think) [WinClient] [WinServ2][WinServ1] When I set it to diagonal it will not pass the mouse. When I set it to above the mouse leave the screen from my main monitor. I have tried changing my main monitor in windows and it did nothing. Just to clarify my physical setup is the one above. The way synergy sees it is [WinClient] [WinServ2][WinServ1] Any help with this would be appreciated.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Martin D. Wolfe
Looks like everyone needs to create a custom config. I used [url]https://github.com/symless/synergy/wiki/Text-Config[/url] to help me with my set up. Below is the information that I used to figure it out [quote] Each link has the form: [code] {left|right|up|down}[<range>] = name[<range>] [/code] A link indicates which screen is adjacent in the given direction. Each side of a link can specify a range which defines a portion of an edge. A range on the direction is the portion of edge you can leave from while a range on the screen is the portion of edge you'll enter into. Ranges are optional and default to the entire edge. All ranges on a particular direction of a particular screen must not overlap. A range is written as (<start>,<end>). Both start and end are percentages in the range 0 to 100, inclusive. The start must be less than the end. 0 is the left or top of an edge and 100 is the right or bottom. [code] section: links moe: right = larry up(50,100) = curly(0,50) larry: left = moe up(0,50) = curly(50,100) curly: down(0,50) = moe down(50,100) = larry(0,50) end [/code] This indicates that screen larry is to the right of screen moe (so moving the cursor off the right edge of moe would make it appear at the left edge of larry), the left half of curly is above the right half of moe, moe is to the left of larry (edges are not necessarily symmetric so you have to provide both directions), the right half of curly is above the left half of larry, all of moe is below the left half of curly, and the left half of larry is below the right half of curly. Note that links do not have to be symmetrical; for instance, here the edge between moe and curly maps to different ranges depending on if you're going up or down. In fact links don't have to be bidirectional. You can configure the right of moe to go to larry without a link from the left of larry to moe. It's possible to configure a screen with no outgoing links; the cursor will get stuck on that screen unless you have a hot key configured to switch off of that screen. [/quote] My computer set up is [pc1_1][pc2_1][pc2_2] [pc3_1][pc3_2][pc3_3] and my code looks like this [code] section: links pc1: right = pc2 down = pc3 (0,33) pc2: left = pc1 down = pc3 (33,100) pc3: up (33,100) = pc2 up (0,33) = pc1 [/code]
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Corey Bowers
I have a very similar configuration as the first post. I have been playing with the percentage values for half an hour or so. However, I'm not sure that this type of configuration is possible: [server_3] [server_2] [client_1 ] [server_1] if I do something like: [code] section: links client: right = server(51,100) # this works up = server(0,50) # always moves cursor to bottom left of server_1 server: left = client(51,100) # prevents cursor from moving left from server to client at all down(0,50) = client # prevents cursor from moving down from server to client at all [/code] It does not work as expected. The problem is that the server screen has a big gap on the bottom left quarter. For instance, I cannot figure out how to make it skip over that gap when I move the cursor up from the to server_3. The same is true in reverse. The only way that I can move down from server to client is via server_1 (with coords 50-100). Likewise, the only way that I can move left from server to client is via server_3. Likewise the reverse is true. Because coordinates x = 0-50 and y = 51-100 do not exist on the server client, the mouse cannot move to any of those ranges and thus the edge that goes from server to client doesn't exist. For some reason, going right from client_1 -> server1 is the only direction that appears to skip the gap as expected. I'm currently using two linux mint computers with this configuration.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Corey Bowers
After speaking with some of the people on the synergy IRC channel, it has become clear that this 2x2 grid "corner" configuration is not possible with any current version of synergy. Most monitor configurations that involve a non-rectangular screen shape transitional edge likely will not work in any expected way with synergy no matter what the configuration. The example given by Martin works only because all threshold between screens happen to be a straight line along a single axis.
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