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loss of some keyboard/mouse features after synergy


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I have noticed a problem when using synergy between 2 systems. I have confirmed it on another set of systems as well. The 2 environments tested were: Win10 to Win10 and Win10 to Fedora23 Workstation. What I found was that once the mouse pointer moved to the second system, going back to the server system resulted in my mouse wheel scroll stopped working in chrome. Also, starting iTunes with the shift key pressed (to select a different library) doesn't work, like the shift key is not being pressed. In testing, these problems do not always appear right away. To fix the problems I could do 2 things: Reboot (and not going to second system with my mouse); Or bringing up the task manager and stopping all the synergy processes. The second fix then stops the automatic start of synergy. Has anyone else seen this behavior or can add other anomalies to this post? I didn't see a way to enter bugs issues anywhere so I came here.
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I too have had this problem, I'm using a Logitech keyboard and mouse - not sure if the Unify software is causing this problem. Have noticed a significant lag in key-board function, typing will get hung-up for periods of time. Clicking, wheel click/scroll have also been affected. I have found that opening Synergy in server computer and reconnecting computers by selecting "stop" then "start" resolves issue for a longer period of time.
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Ken Roberson
I have been seeing the issue described in the link below. When trying to highlight text in an Outlook 2010 email, the text will not highlight. When I stop Synergy, it works fine. [url]http://superuser.com/questions/266312/synergy-prevents-click-and-drag-actions-in-some-windows-applications[/url]
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[quote="Kevin Lisk"]I too have had this problem, I'm using a Logitech keyboard and mouse - not sure if the Unify software is causing this problem...[/quote] I too have a Logitech Keyboard and Mouse connecting through a Unify USB.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Stephen Wolf
There seems to be a number of issues with Synergy getting in front of the Keyboard and Mouse and not releasing to the application. With Microsoft Office, everything, including selecting text with the mouse work fine until I use the Ctrl key. After that I can no longer select with the mouse but need to hold down shift and select text with the arrow keys. This seems to be the most pain for me since when I'm working, I have 3 computers online. There are also some games that have problems. I play Borderlands and Borderlands 2. The movement keys asdw go dead within seconds of starting the game whenever Synergy is running. This isn't so much of a problem since my work computers are not in use at the time (wink) so I can just shutdown Synergy. So for anyone troubleshooting mouse or keyboard issues try just stopping Synergy to see if that helps. I also notice that when I launch the Synergy control panel in windows although it is already running, the button in the corner is sometimes labeled "start". When I want to "stop" Synergy, I usually click the button, then click apply, then click stop. This seems to shut down Synergy just fine now. In previous versions I sometimes needed to do this more than once to get it to really shut down.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Robert Vin
Noticed the problem in Word but more so in Outlook. Mouse works fine until you press any key, then highlight does not work. [b]Simply double-press the Windows key [/b]and it all works again. Well until it happens again lol. Hopefully fixed in next version.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sean Chiarot
[quote="Robert Vin"]Noticed the problem in Word but more so in Outlook. Mouse works fine until you press any key, then highlight does not work. [b]Simply double-press the Windows key [/b]and it all works again. Well until it happens again lol. Hopefully fixed in next version.[/quote] Happens to me as well, wondering if we can get an update on this issue / when it will be resolved?
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