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Cannot drag and drop or cut and paste

Timothy DeHan

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Timothy DeHan
I am sure I must be doing something wrong here but I was under the impression that I should be able to drag and drop, and cut and paste from one computer to another. It doesn't work for me.
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Susan Moreland
I've never tried drag and drop so don't know if that works. Copy & paste or cut & paste always worked for me in the past until all of a sudden it quit working. I just figured out the fix for me and hope it works for you. I uninstalled the Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center on my host computer. It must have installed during a Microsoft update, so will have to keep an eye on that. But now my copy and paste is working again. Hope that is some help for you.
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My copy and paste had quit working this morning. For the purpose of making other changes I disabled synchronize screensavers and told it to ignore auto config clients. When the service restarted copy and paste (for text) was working for me again. I'm assuming it is just the restart that fixed it, but not 100% sure. As a side note can you copy and paste text only or can you also paste files. I currently only seem to be able to copy and paste text. Also I've never been able to get drag and drop of files to work. Server is running on Windows Server 2012 R2 and client is a Windows 10 machine.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Got a bit more of an update. I got word in another thread that copy and paste files isn't a feature, so that was a misunderstanding on my part. As for copy and paste not working it appears mine just stops periodically and if I click Apply in the configuration window without any changes it starts back up. So while me previous post did resolve that issue I don't think the config changes were relevant and it's just hitting Apply that causes the service to restart and the client to reconnect that resolves that issue for me.
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Chris Van Doren
I have used Synergy in all its various forms for over 10 years now... copy and paste has *always* been a hit or miss proposition. There are all sorts of nuances to getting it to work; its really pretty frustrating. Correct, copy and paste files isn't a feature. As for text, if you are copying from the server to a client, copy the text and then WAIT 5-10 seconds before you mouse over to new machine. That often results in success. Also, multiple restarts of the server (the client doesnt seem to make a difference) can sometimes resolve this issue as well. As wonderful as synergy is, and I do love it, the copy paste has never been reliable. Ever.
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