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Different configurations for work/home?

Steve Zilliox

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Steve Zilliox
I'm looking for some help for my particular setup of Synergy (1.7.6). I have a work laptop that travels with me between the office and home. While I'm at the office, I want to run synergy on my work laptop as the server because the other systems that run as clients may or may not be connected but the laptop always will be. When I get home, I want to dock my work laptop and have my home system run as the server and switch the work laptop to run as a client because my home system will always be there but I may or may not turn on the work laptop. I currently have the configuration working if I manually open up synergy and switch between client and server in the Synergy Pro UI but I would like to automate that. Ideally Synergy would always start in 'client' mode so when I dock at home, I can use the mouse/keyboard from my home system to log in. I already have a program that runs at startup (login) that detects if I'm at work or home so ultimately, I need to know if there is a way to restart synergy in 'server' mode from the command line. So, more concisely, this is what I'm trying to do: - Always start synergy in client mode - Be able to restart synergy in server mode from the command line only for that session. When the system restarts, it should start in client mode again. Is this possible? Thanks, -Steve
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  • 2 weeks later...
Robert Coursey
Actually that would be a great idea. So, to the programmers: Could you perform a check when Synergy starts to simply detect what network the device is on and have the ability to change overall configurations based on that network? So, for example, I take my laptop to various networks within my organization. It'd be incredibly handy to just connect to a network and have the setup of screen positions and whatnot config'd from where I last left the network.
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