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Lock screen issue

Moshe Hadar

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Moshe Hadar
When the screen is locked, on the server side (windows 10 64bit), and moving the cursor, toward the 2nd display (2nd PC windows 7 64bit), the cursor disappear, and cannot return to the server, and the focus lost, so, even the keyboard cannot be used. The only option is to go to the client machine, stop synergy (and then start it again) - which then release the cursor (and focus) back both on version 1.7.5 & 1.7.6
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Kelvin DSouza
I have the same issue.. This is so very frustrating!! I tried using scroll lock but that didn't change anything, I finally landed up creating a batch file on the desktop of the one of the machines with Synegy client to use psservice to restart the 'Synergy' service on the host machine remotely. I land up having to un this batch file atleast 3-4 times a day. below is what I'm using if it's of any help to anyone. psservice \\<Host machine ip> -u <domain name>\<login> -p <Password> restart "Synergy"
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  • 2 months later...
Stuart Stevens
I have the same problem. I have two Windows 7 Enterprise systems. When the server is locked and the client is not locked and I move the cursor to the edge of the server screen, the mouse and keyboard do not work on either the client or server. As the original poster stated, I have to disable Synergy on the client using a dedicated mouse (which I keep connected for that purpose), login to the primary PC and re-enable the client system using the spare mouse. Both client and server systems are on a Microsoft Windows domain. It would be great if the server system had a key sequence to bring the mouse/keyboard focus back to the server system.
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Steve McMahon
I have the same issue but my server is Windows and my client is Ubuntu linux 16.04. I work around it by turning off synergy on the client. I can do this because I have a mouse and keyboard still plugged in to the linux client (because I only have synergy working after I log in).
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Stuart Stevens
Thanks to another thread viewtopic.php?f=16&t=528&p=3831 I am now using a Synergy hot key which moves the mouse back to the server. Configure Server | Hotkeys tab | new (Hotkeys) | <press key combination> | ok | select hotkey | new (Actions) | select "Switch to screen" | select server in pull down | ok
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Stuart Stevens
Now the difficult choice is what key combination to use to go to the home screen. I started with keystroke(Control+Shift+Alt+Home).
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