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  1. Nick Bolton

    Nick Bolton

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  2. Onoitsu2


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    Kelvin Tran

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/17 in Posts

  1. This is a listing of hotkeys known to function in Synergy 2 beta 4 and will be updated at such a time that it changes. Tested currently on a Win 8.1 PC (I only have PC keyboards, perhaps someone with a Mac keyboard can confirm) Make current hardware used the server: F12, Alt+F12, Ctrl+F12, Ctrl+Shift+F12 Lock to current screen: Scroll Lock Show logs: ~ (tilde), Alt+Tilde, Ctrl+Tilde (may need to make use of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilde#Keyboards for international keyboards) That seems to be it, tested every key combination one would consider a usable hotkey.
    3 points
  2. Why not write and ask before flaming? I think if you ASK you might find that the license conversions are quite fair.
    3 points
  3. It's definitely a bug.
    2 points
  4. @Jking currently there is no hotkeys to have you automatically switch to a screen, however there is a key to lock you to the currently used screen. That is Scroll Lock. While that is on it won't escape the boundaries of the screen it is on. Then you toggle it off, then can move to the next monitor. I believe this topic you bring up has been announced as being added in either the beta 6 or after, but definitely a feature planned on being added for the most part for power users like yourself.
    2 points
  5. There's a synergy2-bin package (as of this writing 2.0.0beta4.b786-1) in AUR. I advise you to wait until beta5. beta4 is broken on Linux.
    2 points
  6. Well, it's going to probably be an issue with either the Linux service itself or the connection between them, since restarting the Linux-portion of Synergy is a workaround for the issue, albeit a tedious one. @kyleamorris, could you go and recreate the issue, but this time, instead of restarting the Linux service, restart the Windows service? If this works, it is ALMOST guaranteed (no actual guarantees here, just cowardly ones) to be the connection between them. However, if that doesn't work, then the Linux service itself will probably be at fault here (or shall I say, how Synergy is exec
    2 points
  7. Several of us are back on Synergy 1.8 but enthusiastic about picking back up when beta 5 arrives. If you're just not into participating in beta even later, be sure to contact: [email protected] to get your investment back. No harm, no foul, no problem.
    2 points
  8. This currently is a rough beta, beta 4, there is a beta 5 due to be out in a few weeks time to quote @Nick Bolton "This will be fixed in beta5 (due in 4-5 weeks). Need a refund? [email protected]" It is far from perfect, but I am loving it overall, it seems more snappy than 1.8 was in my setup. It may currently exclude you from installing and using it. However it should not in the later versions.
    2 points
  9. No problem... that's why they're called "betas". Thanks!!!!
    1 point
  10. Currently, as even @Nick Bolton has stated in another thread, the beta 4 when it comes to linux is a mess. It is looking to be remedied in beta 5, due out in about 4-5 weeks time. There were a few oversights that are now causing issues for many linux users overall.Your patience is appreciated while they get this next beta release working appropriately for all.
    1 point
  11. Thank you! Unfortunately I have to use a PC for work, but have come to love Synergy. It's always been easier to connect the Windows to the Mac rather than vice versa, so I figured the beta would have the same issue. I would like to point out, however, that version 1 has come leaps and bounds in updates and works much better when I connect using the Mac as the server, which I couldn't say a year ago. I'm looking forward to beta5!
    1 point
  12. Good post! When we add a settings screen, these will be customizable. FYI, this will be somewhat obsolete in beta5 (since we're moving the "Send logs" context menu).
    1 point
  13. Yeah, beta4 was a train wreck. We'll do better with beta5. Thanks for your patience!
    1 point
  14. Program runs in the background and is able to connect to my windows machine however unable to open the window. It did open when I fist installed it synergy 2. Sorry I have no logs as I am unable to access the program.
    1 point
  15. @Onoitsu2 Or, if you know all of the key mappings in Synergy, you could go ahead and make that post, feature it (as a moderator) and hope that an administrator helps you to pin it. I wholeheartedly agree with you for that and I wouldn't hesitate to experiment and make that post once I got some free time. Just note though, don't waste your time for Synergy 1, as v2 will come out soon and most likely will have different key mappings within the program as a result of the massive overhaul of the project.
    1 point
  16. Well, as mentioned by the op (and I'm just going to reiterate here), a beta is a beta. People who need this for production are personally recommended by @Nick Bolton and his team to NOT use Synergy 2, but use the more stable branches that are nearly always going to work (note: "nearly"), or at least relative to this beta branch. As mentioned by @KringleKrebs, [email protected] is the email to contact if you want support concerning refunds, and the community is here for you if you'd like to continue messing with Synergy 2 on a test set of systems or during a time where production is not
    1 point
  17. updates I believe in the Beta stage are manual installs perhaps down the line or at a much later beta stage it could be automatically done.
    1 point
  18. I like the direction. Happy to have paid my 15 dollars and see how this evolves. It's not working for me currently in corp environment, but will be brilliant in other places where I use it more. 'magic' config is the right strategy, both for your core users AND for power users..... just because you CAN navigate confusing port config menus, doesnt mean you WANT to - keep up the good work. For those that don't like the beta - roll back. If you are annoyed that you have to roll back - reconsider being a beta tester.
    1 point
  19. Sad, I bought it knowing it's not final state, and been super happy with it, I used to have an issue with 1.x where if I left the cursor on my mac client and win+L when getting up from desk I'd have to use a mouse on the mac ( and keyboard if screensaver password was needed ) to stop synergy - log into windows - and restart synergy. This has been working so smooth on beta4 without having to deal with that. So Thank you sir, I'm glad to have been a part of this SDLC.
    1 point
  20. Copy/paste. Seems to be the answer to 90% of posts right now.
    1 point
  21. I actually figured it out! Turns out the IP Synergy was putting out was not the IP I was looking for. So I looked into command prompt and I found it there then plugged it in and it worked.
    1 point
  22. I believe that this is because Synergy uses the relative position of your mouse cursor on your screen to determine an exit point. Let me explain. With a one display setup, it works fine because the right corner of your desktop screen is in a logical flow relative to the position in which it is entering on your laptop. However, when you have two screens, the logical order of the monitors changes. Dual monitors, to Windows and therefore, to Synergy is not actually dual monitors. You are, in a sense, extending your existing monitor. If you have dual 19 inch monitors, you're effectively combi
    1 point
  23. I'm just another user. Yes, you can configure the screens the way you want. Except I think they will snap against each other in the graphic. The 2 way connection isn't immediately obvious in the beta yet, just select the Synergy graphic on the machine you want to be server and press F12. The connection will reverse. The computer where you select F12 will become the server. BTW, you described a perfect situation for Synergy, bringing your laptop into your network on occasion. You will be pleased.
    1 point
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