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  1. James Gray

    James Gray

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    Paul Suarez

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/17 in Posts

  1. Seriously, I think I'd love a cup of whatever you're drinking because it sounds as though it's pretty powerful. But for those of us who cannot resort to such elixirs, this situation is inexplicable. As someone who has been in software development for three decades, I cannot imagine either putting out a piece of software just prior to having no one manning the response queues for a couple of days, or worse still, releasing a piece of software with an internal expiration at some point in the past and not putting out a subsequent release within that time frame. Looking at the response
    2 points
  2. I'm really sorry for the late reply on this everyone. The whole team is aware of the problem now. Our developers are on the move and confirmed that it'll be fixed tomorrow. Please bear with us on this.
    2 points
  3. No it's not. It's a beta, it's not a critical piece of software for anybody that runs a beta and it was a weekend. If I were Nick, I would refund all the moaners their 5$ and show them the door. Ask them to pay upgrade price when the software is completed. That being said, beta 3 works again and I'm happy. Thanks for the workarounds, folks!
    1 point
  4. I am developer, too - and I know what betas are, and I even know what means "minor bugs" - but if i try a beta and it works (for - let's say - a few hours) without problems, then I try in production again - still no bugs. Then I think i figured out it works for my use case! If some hotkey would not be working - i would say - oh ok no problem, but, hey guys, it's a TIMEOUT!!!! That has NOTHING to do with a beta - it is not "not working like expected" because bugs it is a be-to-be-broken-piece, i stuck a few years with symless and i paid my 5 bucks - that's not much - but when I promise: "you ge
    1 point
  5. Haha, hotlinking does not work . Maybe try to attach the files to your message :D. <Error> <Code>NoSuchKey</Code> <Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message> <Key> v2.0-beta2-take2/Synergy_v2.0.0-beta2_b639-520c9118.dmg </Key> <RequestId>76FD52FD7D2CA246</RequestId> <HostId> i8FXdITN8x6HISTgyV7UObCxyVfmE1j6GzF/vxUP/wF1BgPyg3FvrnPrBqELn7ThheR15+c9AGU= </HostId> </Error>
    1 point
  6. I don't think anyone is too upset over this, I personally know life happens and that especially for a small company like Symless where it's a handful or maybe even one person I dunno. I was excited to try it out on my day off and play around with my multiPC setup but I'm not one bit upset. I hope the guy well and when he gets to this he'll make sure that this doesn't happen again. Thanks for the awesome software Nick if you're reading any of this!
    1 point
  7. To all and everyone, My advice is to go have a cup of coffee/tea/chocolate and settle. Don't down grade unless you can't get through your workday without it. I've used Synergy forever, it seems. I feel like I know Nick. I don't think there is anything malicious here. Elsewhere I posted what was supposed to be humorous, that someone made a major change Saturday night then left the building and everybody took off on Sunday. Leaving us inadvertently taking Sunday off from Synergy too. Edging into day 2, it may not be as humorous today, however... It's just now the start of business
    1 point
  8. https://symless.com/synergy/downloads Then click on the 1.8 tab:
    1 point
  9. Yes - they are in the UK, so Monday kicks off in a few more hours for them. However, having worked for a few software companies, if an issue like this popped up over the weekend, we would have dealt with it. Based on my analysis, the app is phoning home and checking the installed version against supported version at Synergy HQ. I'm guessing, but the latest build probably hasn't been added to the supported version check "system" and would probably require some dev/sysadmin editing a config or updating a database...5-minute job, tops. If their systems require more effort than that, I'm happy to
    1 point
  10. I had but it's Sunday dev might not even be looking at the site until tomorrow.
    1 point
  11. I am also having this issue. I find it pretty disappointing that I simply can't use a program that I paid for. I understand beta issues but this was clearly a deliberate end of support.
    1 point
  12. The promise was not that it would work perfectly, but that it would work. Otherwise, offer the beta version for free
    1 point
  13. Follow this post Lots of users are having this exact issues and are awaiting response from the Symless Team.
    1 point
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