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Synergy types wrong characters

Graham Lenton

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Graham Lenton
After a prolonged period of operation with no issues (literally weeks), synergy starts prefixing every lower-case vowel with an 'e'. For example, if I type the alphabet in lower-case via synergy I get the following: eabcdeefgheijklmneopqrsteuvwxyz So each of a, e, i, o and u are prefixed with an 'e'. With upper case A-Z things get even stranger...: YBCDeEFGHSJKLMNHPQRST;VWXYZ 0-9 - synergy replaces the 4 with 2.....: 0123256789 Completely quitting / restarting synergy has no effect. Using Synergy Basic 1.7.4 with Windows 7 (server) and Mac OSX 10.9.5 (client). Heelp!!!!! Rebooting the Windows 7 (server) PC is sufficient to restore normal operation. I have now done that, and so I don't expect the problem to reoccur for some time. Q: What diagnostic information should I provide the next time this occurs - and how do I obtain it ?
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  • 8 months later...
Graham Lenton
Synergy 1.7.6. Basic with Win7 as server and Mac OSX 10.9.5 client. I found a workaround. If I lock then unlock the Win7 machine then all is good. Happy to collect more debug info if anyone can tell me how.
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