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email request for support

Royal Kelsey

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I purchased Synergy quite some time ago and loved it. After I recently upgraded to the latest version, I struggled for several days attempting to get it to work. Days dragged into some weeks. After reading pretty much everything I could find here and out on the web, I concluded I needed help. I had an e-mail offer for support for a fee and decided paying would be worth it if I could get it working again. I duly paid., at which time I discovered the support was a form to fill out and send off, with a reply to come at some time in the future. Well that's a little disappointing but ok, I described the problem and sent off the server logs. That's it. No response whatsoever. I'm pretty irritated, if I wanted to get rid of money there are more satisfying ways to do it. My problem was that the server said "accepted client connection", but the client said "no server connection". A friend who is pretty astute and very knowledgeable about networking was over today and in about an hour or so we had it working. It turned out to be fairly simple to fix, if I had gotten the response I paid for it would have been working a week ago. Here's a hint:SSL doesn't work but is set by default. Why it doesn't work is another issue. Roy note the attached screenshot. Synergy still running at the time the message came up and did not require re-starting.
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