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Synergy on Macbook keeps resetting

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I just upgraded to Synergy 3 Lite but it's currently unusable for me. I use a Windows 11 PC as the KB/Mouse machine and a Macbook Air as the client. The connection repeatedly resets, with the below error on the Mac.

I tried resetting everything and actually 'fixed' the issue using trial mode with Synergy 3 ultimate and enabling TLS security. However,  I shouldn't need to do this surely? Any ideas how to fix?

ERROR - standard exception on thread 0x00000003: event queue is not ready within 5 sec
synergy-service [2024-08-10T13:44:10] - INFO - core process exited after 10.23 seconds
synergy-service [2024-08-10T13:44:10] - WARNING - core exited unexpectedly, auto restarting

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