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Cannot connect client to server - failed to connect to server: timed out


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So I've read a few posts on this forum with similar topics to mine but haven't come across an answer so any help would be appreciated. I have two windows computers, one is a personal desktop and the other is my work laptop. I'm trying to connect my work laptop to my server (desktop). This normally works fine, but when I turn on my AnyConnect VPN for accessing company resources I no longer can connect over LAN to my desktop. I've thought this through and my best option would be to connect over WAN. I did not set up any fancy DNS or anything like that I've just port forwarded the synergy port 24800 to my desktop. I've been able to verify that the port is indeed open via the web and running some commands. But for some reason my laptop cannot connect to synergy I keep getting the same error as what is displayed on the title of this article. I can ping my network's public IP address but like I said for some reason synergy just won't connect, this is true if the VPN is on or off.

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