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Better Support for ultra wide monitors with two computer inputs

Chris Findon

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Chris Findon


I have an Ultrawide Monitor with two computers input to it, sometimes I use it with Picture By Picture which allows me to see both computers side by side, and in this configuration, my keyboard and mouse works well between the two.
I have the ability to change the source to just one of the computer inputs to use the whole ultrawide, when the client computer is selected the mouse has difficulty sensing the monitor boundary, essentially I only have a small area of the displayed screen to move within which makes this scenario unuseable.
I suspect my scenario is not unique with so many ultrawide monitors on the market with multi inputs, work notebook and home desktop for example, the need/want to use one keyboard/mouse for both computers must be a valid one.
Do you have any plans to improve the support for these scenarios?
Perhaps if auto-detection fails having a way to inform synergy of the boundaries could help resolve this current limitation.
Anyway, I am happy with what Synergy with what it currently can do unfortunately though in my case not perfect.


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  • 9 months later...

Since that person has not responded I would like to do so as I run an ultrawidescreen setup.

My main monitor in front of me is a 49 inch ultrawidescreen. It is equal to 2 27 inch screens side by side. 

Above that on the right side is a 27 in monitor. Above that on the left is another 27 inch monitor. 

If I setup synergy to have my 49 inch monitor at the bottom and then one of the 27s above it, the mouse treats the entirety of the 49 inch monitor as equal to the bottom of the 27 inch monitor. So if I come down from the 27 inch monitor expecting the mouse to move straight down, instead it moves down but to the far left of the 49 inch screen, it is unintuitive. 

It also means that the second 27 inch monitor on the top left is unable to be used as synergy will not recognize a monitor at the corner of another monitor. I have to put it to the side so I have to move off the left hand side to go up to the monitor above the left hand side of my 49 inch widescreen. 

If you can make it so that I can tell synergy that my 49 inch ultrawidescreen takes up 2 spots in the map then it should work fine, it would also mean that if I set the bottom monitor to cover two location, it would only go up to the top monitors if it was directly under them, making it VERY intuitive which monitor i want to go to. 

It would also allow the ability for the mouse to seamlessly move from bottom right of the big monitor, up to the top right, over to the top left and back down to the bottom left in a circle without having to go through the main monitor as an intermediary each time. 

Hopefully this can be implemented. 

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Hey Francisco,  thanks for reaching out.

I was able to find some examples and by looking through the saved configuration file I was able to figure it out. 

The layout is a single 49 inch widescreen on the bottom, and a 27 inch screen on the top right. Soon another 27 inch will go on the top left.

My current config for the links section is:

section: links
        down = Juggernaut(50,100)
        up(50,100) = macbook

It will be on a total of two computers running the 3 screens.

Of course I found these two KB articles detailing the config files after trial and erroring my way through it all, so things should be much easier, I prefer working with config files anyway. 




The only issue I am having now is the drag and drop and clipboard sharing does not share images copied to the clipboard. Once in a while the client will also have some stuttering in the mouse until I move it a few times then it clears up and is fine for a few hours. It seems to happen if i am not using the mac (setup as the client) for an hour or so. I assume it is just needing to reconnect. 

Should I submit a new thread for those issues. 

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OK, so it looks like I have an issue here. 


My current setup is as follows. Computer 1 is running 2 screens, the 49 inch ultrawide at 5120x1440 , and the 27 inch above it on the left side at 2650x1440. 

The Mac is running the 27 inch on the top right at 2560x1440, as seen in the quick and ugly image below. 

Right now to get to the mack I have to go to the top left screen, and it comes in from the bottom right of the macOS screen.



This is the log file of what is seen when making the movement as shown in the image below. 

[2022-03-07T01:32:46] INFO: entering screen
[2022-03-07T01:35:54] INFO: switch from "Juggernaut" to "macbook" at 0,1439
[2022-03-07T01:35:54] INFO: leaving screen
[2022-03-07T01:35:54] INFO: screen "Juggernaut" updated clipboard 0
[2022-03-07T01:35:54] INFO: screen "Juggernaut" updated clipboard 1
[2022-03-07T01:36:00] INFO: switch from "macbook" to "Juggernaut" at 5119,-1439
[2022-03-07T01:36:00] INFO: entering screen



My current links section is as follows. 

section: links
		down = Juggernaut(50,100)
		up(50,100) = macbook


Is it possible to set this up to work so that the mouse is able to seamlessly move between the monitors if positioned as shown in the first image?

Thanks in advance. 

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I am happy to support the project but I wish this was more up front when you purchase what the limitations are rather than buried in the documentation. 

I understand product life cycles and I work in support, but this is just frustrating, if a Sr. Support Tech with 20 years of experience has these issues, I can imagine how hard it must be for average consumer.

As I said, happy to have supported the project, and I look forward to more releases, please feel free to hit me up for beta testing if it is available, I will continue to work on this and see if I can figure out the issues and maybe find a workaround.

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