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1.7.4 - am I going mad?

Aled Treharne

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Aled Treharne
Hi guys, Last week, I checked Synergy and had a notification that a new release was out. Great - this will include the fixes for SSL and CPU consumption on Windows, I thought. I downloaded 1.7.4 successfully from the download page for my laptop client. The following day I went to download it for the server...and can't find it. I've confirmed I'm running 1.7.4 on the client, but I can't find a download for 1.7.4 or a release note *anywhere*. Have I gone mad? Cheers, Aled.
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Joshua M Erdman
I too was monitoring the builds and was looking forward to the release of 1.7.4 Was this build scratched? --josh
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I too have had this same confusion: an e-mail with a link to stability problems (um, yep: I haven't been able to use Synergy for the past couple months after attempting an upgrade to 1.7.3.). The blog post discussing what went on would be very helpful to see. Unfortunately, although I *could* find the 1.7.4 download, when running it I see: [attachment=0]syninstall.png[/attachment] And looking at the "Contact Helpdesk" seems to require additional support (I'm a paid user, but didn't opt for support fee... I guess I'm going to have to decide how much this is worth to me :) ). I was hopeful that 1.7.4 would fix my stability problems but alas, I can't even seem to try it out... Update - after dismissing the error above, the installer did allow the windows-side Synergy to finish installing and start. Unfortunately the linux client side, the setup wizard gave me: Error: Failed to download plugin 'ns' to: /root/.synergy/plugins No such file or directory. sigh.
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Tor Slettnes
[quote="Brent Harsh"][...] Unfortunately the linux client side, the setup wizard gave me: Error: Failed to download plugin 'ns' to: /root/.synergy/plugins No such file or directory. sigh.[/quote] I haven't seen this particular error, but what strikes me here is that you're running Synergy as root. Is that intended? If so, it's probably just a matter of creating that particular folder ("[b]mkdir /root/.synergy[/b]") - however I'd say it's pretty unusual to be doing this. It would only apply if you actually logged in to your desktop environment as "root" -- you shouldn't, for instance, run Synergy via "sudo". As a normal user, you would just start Synergy via the command "synergy", or via your desktop launcher.
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