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sticky edge and auto switch of monitor input


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Just two quick feature suggestions for future synergy release.

First one is sticky edge -- sometimes the menu bar auto hides itself so it would be helpful in this case to let the mouse stick to the edge instead of going over to another computer directly;

Second, someone probably has suggested this before, if two or more computers share the same monitor it would be cool to let the monitor automatically switch the input source to where the mouse is at (too lazy to click the monitor OSD). I know there are hotkeys out there but the mouse location itself should be enough to do the job. It would be even cooler to change the screen in a slide fashion (like the three finger swipe on a Mac when an app is full-screen mode) from one computer to the other.

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  • 8 months later...
Haytham Elkhoja
On 2/15/2021 at 12:56 AM, Yulin said:

Second, someone probably has suggested this before, if two or more computers share the same monitor it would be cool to let the monitor automatically switch the input source to where the mouse is at (too lazy to click the monitor OSD). I know there are hotkeys out there but the mouse location itself should be enough to do the job. It would be even cooler to change the screen in a slide fashion (like the three finger swipe on a Mac when an app is full-screen mode) from one computer to the other.

So I use this script to make that happen on my external Dell Monitors

/Applications/Synergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergys -f --debug INFO  --config ~/synergy.conf  | while read line; do
  if echo $line | grep "switch from \"hek32\" to \"hek16\""; then
    echo mouse is back
    /usr/local/bin/ddcctl -d 2 -i 16
  if echo $line | grep "switch from \"hek16\" to \"hek32\""; then
    echo mouse just left
    /usr/local/bin/ddcctl -d 2 -i 17


  1. Run synergys and pipe it into a while read line
  2. It's important that synergys debugs to INFO
  3. We'll capture the line "switch from XXX to XXX" and run a command line when this happens.


  • ddctl tool (or something similar that switches monitors from command line
  • You need to stop using the Synergy GUI and run synergys from the command line
  • You need to replace hek32 and hek16 with the name of the different computers.


Edited by Haytham Elkhoja
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Haytham Elkhoja

Synergy should add support to run a script / or command line every time a switch happens, then running ddctl is simple. Please make it happen.

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