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Clients don't reconnect after server sleep

Tom F

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Each time my server goes to sleep, all client machines disconnect and never reconnect.

Clients are 2 Win 10 & one MacOS, server is Win 10.

The fix so far is to open synergy 1 settings, and click Apply to restart the service.



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Hi Alexey,

All my windows machines already have elevate set to always to fix the screen jumping during UAC prompts.

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  • 1 year later...

Same here, having issue with windows 10 synergy client not reconnecting after wakeup from suspend.

Synergy version 1.14.0 stable, 32bit on Windows 10 Home 32bit.

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  • 2 months later...

Has this been addressed yet? I typically shut down Synergy when I'm done using it and that is pretty consistent. But occasionally after a reboot of the client machine it just stops connecting for a while and I have no idea why. Restarting/applying settings to the server doesn't fix it. Eventually the client will reconnect but there's no rhyme or reason for it and it blows up my workflow in the meantime until it does decide to randomly reconnect.

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@CMM Not sure if your problem is related to mine, but in my case the issue starts with windows machines not reconnecting to host machine (linux) after sleep/standby/suspend (sometimes they do, but most of the time they don't). After I reboot the client machines, all reconnect without issues.

I have the latest 1.14.1 on all machines (linux 64-bit host, linux 64-bit guest, windows 10 32-bit guest, windows 11 64-bit guest.

After waking up from standby linux guest reconnects without issues to linux host, but windows 10 and windows 11 usually don't reconnect (been waiting for 8h once - no dice). So I need to connect my mouse to each windows machine and right clicking on synergy system tray icon and clicking on option "Start" reconnects them every time. Yeah it is very inconvenient especially when the usb ports are hard to reach :)

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I also have this issue. It looks like the Windows service suspends. I have to manually restart the service via the app GUI to get it going again. Sometimes the Windows server interprets my Mac client as already being connected and prevents me from connecting it again. In those cases, I need to completely close the windows app and start again. Not a huge deal but definitely breaks my momentum.

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I actually found out my laptop does automatically reconnect when I plug in the charger, but not if it's unplugged. Couldn't find any power management settings that would affect that.

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You just gave me an idea, I'll try to turn off the hibernation in windows (since I noticed immediately after suspend/wake up the clients reconnect, but after prolonged suspend/wake up the clients don't reconnect)... could be the hibernation doing something weird to the synergy service.

I'll report what happens tomorrow morning :)

Edited by oBix
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Just a followup, turning off hibernation in windows didn't change anything.

I've since created a bash script to send synergy service restart from host, after wake up, to both windows client machines. The slight inconvenience is that you need to install ssh service on a custom port on windows and secure it in the firewall to accept connections from a specific IP.

Example in bash script to send service restart to windows over ssh:

timeout 5s sshpass -p "YourPassword" ssh -p 21841 -o ConnectTimeout=3 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "YourUsername"@ 'net stop synergy'; timeout 5s sshpass -p "YourPassword" ssh -p 21841 -o ConnectTimeout=3 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "YourUsername"@ 'net start synergy'


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