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Multi Monitor Setup possible? (4 screens, 1 MacBook, 1 PC)

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I have a setup like this: https://imgur.com/a/L6l8Qgp

Basically screen 4 is my MacBook and the other 3 screens are a triple monitor setup, with screen 1 and 2 connected to my Win PC and screen 3 extending my MacBook.

At the moment I have it setup so if I go from left to right I can go across all screen with the mouse. However I would prefer if I could go from bottom of screen 2 to top of screen 4 with the mouse. I did try putting the synergy layout so the Windows PC is on top of the Mac, however this resulted with the mouse going from top of screen 4 to bottom screen 1, and when going down on screen 2 I would end up on top of screen 3, but it won't allow me to go back up from screen 3. Not sure how to fix it.

I don't mind not being able to go from right of screen 2 to left of screen 3, I would just like to be able to go up from screen 4 to bottom of screen 2.

Thank you.


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I assume switching monitor connections so that the PC is connected to monitor 1 and 3, while the macbook is connected to 2? 

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