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Synergy 1.10.1 not compatible with Ubuntu 19.04

Fabian Santiago

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Fabian Santiago

upgraded from ubuntu 18.10 to 19.04; upgrade process offered to remove synergy. i did so. upon trying to reinstall, received:

synergy : Depends: libssl1.0.0 (>= 1.0.1) but it is not installable

i would install synergy 2 beta but that had other issues because my machines have multiple nics and it was trying to connect on the wrong one and wasn't sure how to force it so i stuck with 1 stable. now what? 

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Same issue here, seems like libssl was bumped to 1.1 in ubuntu19.04. Is there any other way to get synergy running again? I'm a bit lost without it right now

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Happened to me - did an in place "do-release-upgrade" on Wednesday evening on a Ubuntu 18.10 laptop I use at work (and share keyboard/mouse with a "corp" Win10 laptop which I only use for Skype4business and Cherwell) - Thursday was pub hol here in Oz (Anzac Day) - brought it into work this a.m. and no Synergy...

Tried installing again from downloaded version "sudo dpkg -i ./synergy_1.10.1.stable_b81+8941241e_ubuntu_amd64.deb" - no go...  libssl1.0.0 is not installed.

So I tried installing from default repos (I've done this in the past, you get an older version - but it usually works - but not 19.04 - no synergy in repos)

Tried "sudo apt install -f", "sudo apt --fix-broken install"... nada...

So - I decided to try install the Debian AMD64 version : "sudo dpkg -i ./synergy_1.10.1.stable_b87+8941241e_debian_amd64.deb" - AND IT WORKS!!!

Problem solved - if you hit this issue - install the Debian deb file - not the Ubuntu one :D


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One of the annoying things about this - one of the first things I do when I install Synergy - I disable SSL in the client and server!  So why do I need libssl in the first place?  

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Fabian Santiago
11 hours ago, UnixOutlaw said:

Happened to me - did an in place "do-release-upgrade" on Wednesday evening on a Ubuntu 18.10 laptop I use at work (and share keyboard/mouse with a "corp" Win10 laptop which I only use for Skype4business and Cherwell) - Thursday was pub hol here in Oz (Anzac Day) - brought it into work this a.m. and no Synergy...

Tried installing again from downloaded version "sudo dpkg -i ./synergy_1.10.1.stable_b81+8941241e_ubuntu_amd64.deb" - no go...  libssl1.0.0 is not installed.

So I tried installing from default repos (I've done this in the past, you get an older version - but it usually works - but not 19.04 - no synergy in repos)

Tried "sudo apt install -f", "sudo apt --fix-broken install"... nada...

So - I decided to try install the Debian AMD64 version : "sudo dpkg -i ./synergy_1.10.1.stable_b87+8941241e_debian_amd64.deb" - AND IT WORKS!!!

Problem solved - if you hit this issue - install the Debian deb file - not the Ubuntu one :D


You sir are a god among men. Thank you! confirmed it works for me as well. now are there any downfalls to running the Debian version on Ubuntu, considering they have a separate Ubuntu version?

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I solved this by building from sources locally, works well as well, but there is no documentation on how to create a debian package out of the build (no cpack definitions), otherwise I'd share a ubuntu .deb file with a ubuntu19.04-compatible version..

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I've gone down the labourious path of building from source in the past - for some NTC CHIP ARM SBC's I was using (still got 10 of them) - it was unpleasant to say the least - but got there in the end...  never bothered trying to figure out how to build a DEB file...  just scp'd the binaries to the machines I wanted it on...

Tried (from source) again this morning when it wouldn't work for me - downloaded the source (hey Symless - why don't you include a f--king readme.MD with the source on your GIT repository???) - when make configure and make install or ./configure didn't do anything I gave up and remembered what a PITA it was to get compiled for NTC CHIP arch...  I'll stick with the debian binaries till Symless get off their arses and upload a build of 1.10.1 that can use LIBSSL1.1 or whatever - or just create symlink to the debian version that says "ubuntu19.04" :D

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A huge thanks to user "UnixOutlaw".  I am trying to do "real work" and don't have time to fuss with my environment. After the Ubuntu 19.04 upgrade kindly removed synergy I downloaded the Debian 64 bit version and was able to get back to work. For me Synergy is a must-have tool. Thanks for this tip!


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I'm not able to get it working on 19.04. Any update when Synergy is going to push an update so it works again?

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  • 1 month later...

This is a problem for me also.

No replies or updates concerning this for more than a month is a bit concerning.

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1 hour ago, ZenithDK said:

This is a problem for me also.

No replies or updates concerning this for more than a month is a bit concerning.

Download 1.10.2 version of client - works with Ubuntu 19.04

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