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Synergy 1.10 on 2 Macs - Keyboard standard keys are not working on client, but Play/Pause works


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I setup Synergy 1.10 yesterday and used it all day with out issue.

I have 2 Macs - a MacBook Pro and a Mac mini.  My Keyboard and Mouse are setup via Bluetooth on the MacBook Pro (Server) and shared with the Mac mini (Client) via Synergy

When I started using my system this morning, the Keyboard works perfectly on the MacBook Pro and when I move to the Mac mini, only the Mouse and specific keys on the keyboard work.  I can hit play/pause and it sends through to the mini, but if I use any standard keys they trigger on the MacBook Pro.

I ran both using DEBUG1 and have attached the logs.  Would love to know what is going on here.

synergy - client.log

synergy - server.log

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1 hour ago, Alexey Pilyaev said:

Hello @abray1978

Are you sent logs by email or attached here on the forum? 

The logs were uploaded to the post.  Please look at the first message in this thread

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