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Screen Layout Support

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Hey Symless and the Synergy Team,

I love the product been a long time user, just a suggestion from my personal setup. I have 4 screens arranged in 2 x 2 setup on my desk via Monitor Mounts. I'd love it if I could setup the server (host computer) to have a specific screen layout so that way when my mouse got to the right or what not it would move to the appropriate screen.

I've attached an image to better illustrate what I mean.

Thank you for making an exceptional program.

Matthew Auld - Senior Software Engineer @ JumpButton Studio LLC. & Arctic Media Solutions Inc.

Synergy Idea.png

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It would be great if this could use DDC/CI to harvest (for the server and each client) the display output size, resolution, and capabilities and use that information in the Synergy screen configurator in the same style as the Windows 7 Display Settings dialog so it could ultimately get pixel-perfect (and scaled) screen layouts and, this would be very cool too, actually use the same displays for multiple devices by triggering them automatically with DDC/CI (extremely easy if the serial number is valid and duplicates).

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