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synergy 1.9.1 and ubuntu 14.04 -- libqt5core5a dependency

ty ty

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I am trying to use the stable version v1.9.1 with ubuntu 14. It has a dependancy of libqt5core5a >=5.5.0 , however the latest trusty libqt5core5a dependency is only 5.2 . Is there a way out?


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Nick Bolton

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@ty ty - is this 14.04 or 14.10? I am presuming 14.04, as this is LTS. There's no simple way to install 1.9.1 on this at the moment, given the dependency issue. It *might* be possible to fake it, but chances are the build in question will fail with an older version of the library.

I have a similar problem (but the other way) myself, where my system is wanting libcurl4, which replaces libcurl3, but while using 1.9.1 I can't upgrade it, so I was going to be testing some manual builds. If I get a chance, I might throw together a trusty build env and see if I can do something for you, but there are *no* promises as to it working or even getting done on my side..

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