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[Leap 15] no mouse pointer on client


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I just upgraded to Leap 15 from 42.3. I use Gnome.

I have two dual boot desktops both running windows and Leap 15. I installed Synergy and it works (well sort of). I have no mouse pointer when I move from the server (as defined by Synergy) and the client.

I am using Synergy 1.88 as that is the one in the openSuse repo.

I read that some people fixed it by changing from Wayland to X11. But im already using X11 according to $XDG_SESSION_TYPE. I also tried this solution:

https://symless.com/forums/topic/3553-ubuntu-invisible-cursor/, but it returns No such schema “org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor”.

Anyone got any ideas?


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It's fixed. The client was in Wayland (server in Xorg). Once I switched the client to Xorg the mouse pointer was visible again.




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