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Synergy 2.0.10 not working on Ubuntu 18.04

Greg Boban

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Dennis Menken
On 9.5.2018 at 11:01 PM, Jedidiah Bartlett said:

Yes, you will have to modify the v1.9 package as well.

I was unable to get Synergy2 working (2018-05-07). See the following
blog posts:
- https://symless.com/forums/topic/5654-synergy-2010-not-working-on-ubuntu-1804/
- https://symless.com/forums/topic/5634-reverting-to-synergy-1xx/

So, these are the instructions for Synergy 1.9 on Bionic Beaver (with libcurl4)

 - Install fakeroot to maintain permissions while modifying the deb `sudo apt install fakeroot`
    - Instructions and explanation of using dpkg with fakeroot are on stack exchange:
 - Login to Synergy and download version 1: https://symless.com/synergy/downloads
 - In the downloads dir, extract the package and modify it:  (Replace gedit with kate or vim .. whatever)

fakeroot sh -c ' \
mkdir tmp; \
dpkg-deb -R synergy_1.*.stable~*.deb tmp; \
gedit tmp/DEBIAN/control; '

- Edit the control file to replace the libcurl3 version with `libcurl4 (>= 7.58.0)`
- Save the control file and exit the editor
- Turn it back into a deb and remove the tmp dir

fakeroot sh -c 'dpkg-deb -b tmp/ synergy_1~fixed.deb; rm -rf tmp'

- Install the package, and have apt install the dependencies:

sudo dpkg -i synergy_1~fixed.deb
sudo apt install -f



This solutions along with this libcurl4 package (https://launchpad.net/~xapienz/+archive/ubuntu/curl34) works for me. Someone modified the package and adds libcurl3 support.


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