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New interface feedback & plug/unplug reconnect time


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@Nick Bolton, you asked me for feedback on the new interface in another thread, because I stated I dislike it.  Here's one use case:

I have a MS Surface with an OEM dock and a desktop, both Win10 - the desktop is the Synergy server.  All day long, I unplug my Surface from the dock, walk away with it, come back and plug it back in.  The dock is connected by ethernet; the Surface flips to WiFi when unplugged from the dock.

Synergy 1.8 reconnected effectively immediately when plugged back into the dock (i.e., within moments of the Surface completing the switch from WiFi to hard wired).  Synergy 2.0 takes at least 90s, and sometimes fails to reconnect at all.  If it fails, I remediate by restarting the Synergy service.  I were using 1.8, I'd click [Stop], then [Start] a few moments later, within the interface I was already using.  Using Synergy 2.0, I now have to launch computer management as administrator, go to Services, find the Synergy service, then restart it.  Also, using Synergy 1.8, I could see what was happening in the realtime log; using Synergy 2.0, I have to go find the log file in the file system and load it, or cheat by sending, then viewing the log.  My text editor will offer to reload the file as it changes, but it's not the same.

I get that all these options and settings and logs may not be relevant to all, or maybe even most, users, but that's why I suggested offering an advanced option so that people who want a real interface can access it.

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The Surface just failed to reconnect (Synergy only; network, etc. reconnected correctly), so I uploaded the logs.  The Surface had been docked for about 20 minutes when I realised I had no control of it.  Both Synergy 2.0 interfaces showed a scrolling progress bar for the Surface.  I restarted the Synergy service on the Surface; the scrolling bar turned green moments later.

Server log (Windows 10 desktop): https://synergy-logs.symless.com/74cd24889cb88387c8d406e2694108bd/logs/61995-2018-05-01T10-26-41.log

Client log (Windows 10 Surface Pro 4, OEM dock): https://synergy-logs.symless.com/74cd24889cb88387c8d406e2694108bd/logs/61995-2018-05-01T10-26-29.log

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Thanks, @Davewill.  I did notice that (and that, for some reason, I can't use it to launch the Synergy "interface").  I tried that once, and it didn't seem to be sufficient to resolve the issue.  It's entirely possible I may have been a little impatient, though, so I'll try it again and report back if it helps.

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So, same again - got back, docked, realised later that I had no control over the Surface.  I tried Disable/Enable with the helper tray app.  First, disable immediately made the Synergy "interface" disappear, so I couldn't monitor the scrolling green bar.  After Enable, a good 60 - 120 seconds passed during which I still had a scrolling green bar on the Surface, then the Surface turned green, and the desktop turned to a scrolling green bar (on both devices).  At about 15s intervals thereafter, they would alternate - one would show green, while the other had the scrolling green bar.  I sent logs at that point (links below), then restarted the Synergy service in Computer Management, and both turned green (after reconnecting to background service on the Surface).

Desktop logs: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/74cd24889cb88387c8d406e2694108bd/logs/61995-2018-05-01T11-55-06.log

Surface logs: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/74cd24889cb88387c8d406e2694108bd/logs/61995-2018-05-01T11-54-56.log

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