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Login screens on Mac and Linux


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As far as I can tell, at the moment you have to login to a Mac or Linux client before the Server can connect. Please have some way that on boot up they can connect so that you can use the server's keyboard to login.

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

Yes, you're absolutely right. This is a missing feature, and one which we do plan to add. It's on the roadmap:https://symless.com/synergy/roadmap


Sometimes, you'll want to control a computer before it's logged in. For example, you've restarted your computer and you're forced to login before you can use the computer. Right now you can't do that because Synergy starts automatically after the login screen. Sadly this means that if you regularly reboot a computer that is not your main computer, you'll still need a keyboard attached to that computer.


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