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Keyboard delay when typing accents in portuguese after 2.0.9

Giordano Bruno

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Giordano Bruno

After upgrading to 2.0.9 I have to wait almost a second to type accents in characters, which really slows me down (we have a lot of these characters). I tried different configurations, and it works fine when I remove Synergy. A frequent use for example is the suffix "ção", which is typed "ç" (we have a key for that), "~" then "a", "o". At my normal typing speed, the result has become "çao".

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

Interesting bug, I'll raise an issue internally. Would you mind recording a screen capture or video of normal behavior vs broken behavior?

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Giordano Bruno

This is happenning on both Windows 7 and Windows 10, even when there is no client connected (i.e. only one machine is turned on).

It is weird because Geany text editor doesn´t seem to get affected, but Windows Notepad and Chrome always do.

Edited by Giordano Bruno
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Giordano Bruno

Here is the video, i captured a text field on Chrome vs Geany on Windows 10. For practical reasons I used "çõ" instead of "çã", just a different vowel for the same bug.



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Giordano Bruno

I found something interesting while testing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, test subject was Gmail's search field on Chrome:

- Ubuntu (alone): works fine;

- Ubuntu (server), Windows 7 (client): works fine;

- Windows 7 (alone): bug;

- Windows 7 (server), Ubuntu (client): super bug, sometimes results a double tilde (~),  i.e. "ç~ã" 

Edited by Giordano Bruno
minor clearing
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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton

Great video and excellent info. We’ll be working on international keyboard issues later in the year. Thanks for your patience! This is absolutely something we need to fix.

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  • 3 years later...

Hello all,

It's 2021 and I'm getting the same exact error. Is this solved in any way?

Delay in special characters/accents (~ ´ ` ^), and in some cases having special accents in words is not working in the Client machine:

  • "^" in words like "têm" only works in the Server. 

I'm using 1.14.0-stable-67d824b8.



Edited by João Vitor
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Just adding some details, clarifying some scenarios (I can't edit the previous post).


Hello all,

It's 2021 and I'm getting the same exact error. Is this solved in any way?

Issues found with accents:

  • Delay in special characters/accents (~ ´ ` ^)
    • 1. Delay in some cases
      • Example: If I slow down the typing, it works fine.
    • 2. Duplicate in others:
      • Example:
        • "b´ásico"
    • 3. Special accents in words are not working in the Client machine:
      • "^" in words like "têm" only work in the Server. 
        • In these cases, the character "e" is not presented, with or without the "^" accent (even if I try to slow down - scenario 1)

I'm using 1.14.0-stable-67d824b8.


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