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I've tried a couple of times to get V2 to work, and have given up.

V1.8 worked fine, but the minimal interface of V2.0.9 just wouldn't work with my two computers, even though they're sitting next to each other on the same network. I would just get a scrolling green line and restarting the application wouldn't fix anything.

The upgrade seems a waste of money, and I've now changed to a hardware solution.

Kelvin Tran

I, on behalf of Symless, am very sorry for your dissatisfaction with the product.

If you are content with requesting a refund from Symless, contact refunds@symless.com and they will gladly start the refund process for you since you have already switched to a hardware-based solution. We thank you for your time.

  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
14 hours ago, WTF! said:

and have given up.

Sorry. Did you contact our support team? You we’re probably seeing a bug that could have been fixed by a reinstall. I’d love to know what went wrong...


Thank you for the offer of a refund, but I'm going to decline it. I still like your software, but v2.x isn't working for me. Maybe a future version will entice me back though.

I did not contact the support team, I find the lack of a real UI annoying and need to be productive with my time.

  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
6 hours ago, WTF! said:

I did not contact the support team

How come? It's very helpful to us when people contact support. Customers often find solutions faster too. It's probably more effort for you to post on the forums. I'd appreciate your feedback so we can make customer support more approachable.


Hi Nick,

I am having the same problem. I was on 2.0.8 and it was working fine for several months. I have a Dell 5050 running Windows 10 Enterprise and an iMac running macOS Sierra (10.12.6). The Windows box is the server.

I could even move my mouse from the Windows screen onto the iMac screen if the iMac had timed out and locked, which previous versions of Synergy couldn't do.

I did submit a support ticket on 4/6/18. On 4/10/18 Sarah replied and said to try installing 2.0.9. I uninstalled 2.0.8 from both machines using the detailed instructions here

(Wow, didn't expect that URL to insert a picture) and installed 2.0.9 on both machines but still no dice. I replied to Sarah that day asking for further instructions but have not heard back. Pretty frustrating. Both machines show both computers in the Synergy GUI and they are green. If I right-click the server and choose "Share from [computer name]" the icon representing the iMac shows a little progress bar for about a second but that's it.




Keep your support ticket open until it's resolved. Keep asking. Support tickets get your issue directly in front of a developer. On this user forum, it's mostly just us users.

Try this: stop/start the Synergy Service on both machines. The simulated screens will go gray and show 'connecting' animation. Then on the GUI, 'retry' on each.

If that doesn't work, try this quick step: on the GUI, mouse-grab one of the screen images and move it away, so that it doesn't touch another,( again, the simulated screens will go gray and show 'connecting' animation). wait for a few seconds then reassemble to your liking. This should restart the Synergy core on each machine of your network.


Hi GranPaSmurf,

Regardless of the title of this thread, be assured I will not abandon the support ticket. It's just frustrating that it takes several days for the tech to reply.

I tried all the things you suggested but it still isn't working. In the previous versions I could fiddle with the settings and get it to work but in version 2.x there are precious few settings to fiddle.

For example, how does the app know which machine I want to be the server?




In recent updates, the server shifts automatically. Whichever computer you are using a keyboard on becomes, for that period, the server. Action on your 'master' keyboard, reverts to the usual setup.

You can lock into a particular computer screen by pressing the scroll lock key.


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