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Add Settings Window to tray icon context Menu


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Quite simple: just add another Menu Point to acess the Settings Window to the Tray Icon context Menu.


Also maybe merge the existing Items "Disable Synergy" and "Enable Synergy" into a single Menu Item with an [ On | Off ] switch to the right, similiar to the Bluetooth Active/Visible Icons in ubuntuUnbenannt.jpg.04b064be989684664d8d65f7258b2418.jpg

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  • 5 weeks later...

I agree, seems odd that it isn't already there.

Would also be nice to have a pop-up when a new version is available - I hardly ever run the main GUI. Pop-ups for connections and disconnections might also be useful.

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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
4 hours ago, jml said:

Yeah... perhaps the tray icon could inform when a new version comes up?

That'd be neat.

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Giordano Bruno

I totally agree with more options. Although we are not supposed to use the GUI interface that much, it would be good to open it from the taskbar. I often notice the icon (and services) get duplicated when opening the GUI again.


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