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Win 8.1 <=> Win 7, no drag'n'drop


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I know that this topic is antique but I also have drag and drop function not available while using it between Windows 8.1 (as a server) and Windows 7 (as a client) - both are in PRO version, synergy is in the Basic version. Also, I've tried to install version 1.9.0 RC3, but as far as it has been installed successfully on Windows 8.1 insomuch on Windows 7 the "synergyd" service has huge CPU utilization.
Simple sharing the clipboard (I mean plain text here) works fine, but with rich text (formatted, images and other) not. I don't even try to mention that dragging the window from one PC to another is impossible in Synergy, what is the most desirable and useable feature when having two monitors.
In my opinion, this should be working on 100% above the rest features:
1. Full clipboard sharing (including images, formatting, links or even files) - in both directions (server<=>client)
2. Full windows dragging, even placing it half on half on both monitors (I realize that could be a huge programming challenge, but for this feature, I could pay even $100 in Basic version of Synergy) - in both directions (server<=>client).

Those two options should give the users feeling of having two real monitors. The rest is only cosmetic things.


There is no option for drag and drop in the config file (*.sgc), even if I'll check this option in settings. So I think this is a problem with malfunctioning of this feature.

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