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How to remove old clients from Synergy


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I recently bought synergy 2 and installed it on a windows machine. I have reinstalled windows since then but my old windows machine is still showing up. Is there any way to fix this in synergy 2? I know that there was a way in synergy 1.

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I tried removing the zombie machine from the configs on both computers while the services were all stopped. Then just get added back tot he config I assume from Synergy's login server? I even went through the uninstall process on both of my current machines, login again on my windows box and see both the current mac and that same mac with it's old network name. I login on that mac after clearing everything out, and see the same result. What is the time frame for the fix in 2.1? How hard is it to add a remove option the the right click menu that clears it from all remaining configs?

While I appreciate the auto configuration of version 2 it seems like the devs forgot very basic functionality, if a client isn't signed into synergy why would it ever show up in the first place?

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  • 5 months later...
Dee Gardner

This is mildly annoying.  I wonder if the developer even knows this is an issue?  _ I am going to try the new Synergy 3 beta to see if it handles this issue.


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I'm also having this issue in May 2023.

I looked for a Synergy config file to remove the old client entry manually, and found a file under


Sadly, the file doesn't appear to be read by the server, as removing the unused client from the file didn't remove the entry from the GUI after restarting Synergy.

Edited by MaxVRAM
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