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Keyboard is not working for clients

Hardik Italia

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Hardik Italia
Hi, I am running synergy as a server on mac os running 10.10.3. When i connect linux or windows machine as a clinet then I can move mouse to client but not able to use keyboard in the client machine. This used to work but after restart of mac machine it is not working. There are no other changes. I also tried to reinstall synergy but it did not help. Thanks, Hardik
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Hello! The FAQ on Github has an answer to this. [url]https://github.com/synergy/synergy/wiki/Synergy-FAQ#why-doesnt-my-keyboard-work-on-the-client[/url] Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
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Hardik Italia
Thanks for your reply! I tried the steps as mentioned from FAQ but it did not work. It was unchecked, so I checked and unchecked again.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Stephen Johns
I too am now having this problem. It has been running well for a long time and this just started happening a week ago. My setup is Mac OSX Yosemite and my client in CentOS 6.6 Synergy version (whatever was before 1.7.3) I have not upgraded anything (at least I know about or authorized) on either machine. I can't think of anything that changed at the time this stopped working. I have tried the following [list] [*]Every combo of shutdown, restart of both system from synergy to power cycling.[/*:m] [*]Installing 1.7.3 on both machines.[/*:m] [*]Different variations on the "Secure Keyboard Entry" toggling, including exiting terminal after each toggle.[/*:m][/list:u] Also, if logging is set to debug2, there is no output that is associated when a key is pressed, there is lots of output when the mouse is moved.
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Ben Koenig
Ugghhh. That's what I say everytime I realize I need a Mac. I have no idea if this is what's going on, but I would try it anyway. Mac's use a slightly different keyboard layout. More precisely they fiddle with the modifier keys. So I've had this thought haunting me ever since I saw Synergy supports Mac AND everything else. The question is: What happens when it tries to translate from a Mac keyboard layout to the PC one? Does changing the Keyboard Layout on Linux make anything better? Would actually make me laugh if it were that simple.
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Hugh Rodwell
Hi - same problem here. No problems since the last Synergy update, then suddenly the Mac Yosemite server keyboard won't work on the Win8 client, but the mouse will. The command key works, funnily enough, but no characters.
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Stephen Johns
My problem came down to WebRoot SecureAnywhere being newly installed on my system. I turned it off and keyboard works again. Will see if there is some setting that will let it run and not mess with the keyboard UPDATE! Preferences->Realtime Shield->Uncheck secure keyboard entry mode Keyboard now works. WebRoot turns red and admonishes you for allowing a crack in your armor.
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[quote="Stephen Johns"]My problem came down to WebRoot SecureAnywhere being newly installed on my system. I turned it off and keyboard works again. Will see if there is some setting that will let it run and not mess with the keyboard UPDATE! Preferences->Realtime Shield->Uncheck secure keyboard entry mode Keyboard now works. WebRoot turns red and admonishes you for allowing a crack in your armor.[/quote] Thanks for the troubleshooting! This should help a lot.
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