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Client will not connect to server


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v 1.7.3 on both Win7 on both - Server is 64bit, client is 32bit Server Log shows: Accepted Client Connection New Client is unresponsive Client Log shows: Connecting to [i](my server[/i]) ERROR: ssl error occurred (generic failure) ERROR: error:140770FC;SSL routines:SSL23_GET-SERVER-HELLO:unknown protocol ERROR: failed to connect secure socket NOTE: disconnected from server NOTE: stopped client I also have a Linux (Kubuntu) running Synergy. Ver 1.6.2 the connection to Linux box functions perfectly
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Jeff Del Castilho
I have had this occur with 2/4 people I have helped set up Synergy. So far, the simple solution has been to simply disable SSL by going to Edit / Settings / and untick the box that says "Use SSL Encryption". If you really need SSL Encryption, then a more advanced solution will be needed. Sorry to seem like a simpleton, but perhaps there are those who may not have tried this.
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