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Where is the Github info or when is it coming back


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Also no man pages?  I don't know why when I installed via apt -y install ./synergy....deb I didn't choose the option no man pages so not sure what happened to them.

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Awesome thanks, what I ended up doing, and still working on it since every config is just a little different is searched with google excluding the github site in general and I ended up finding most of the info I was looking for but I'll bookmark the new link can github do a 301 or 302.  I also ended up hooking up a mouse and keyboard to the client, found a lot of people resolved issues with that, if windows, the server restarts, when moving the cursor over it highlights stuff but clicking doesn't respond, simply clicking Apply on the server which is like a restart resolves that.

The option on the client that says hide on startup doesn't do anything, the setting saves, it just doesn't do anything different whether it is checked on not so I'm looking at another way to hide.  It keeps the -f parameter for synergyc with --no-tray, I'll work on that one.

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kept trying and now it's hiding on startup but I don't know what happened, the synergyc statement is the same, still has -f and not sure where a config file is but it's working.  It says --no-tray but it's hiding and in the tray.  That works for me.


/usr/bin/synergyc -f --no-tray --debug INFO --name Opti --enable-crypto --log /var/log/synergy.log



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