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Beta 2.0 Not connecting or Not logging in


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I am not sure how to explain this:

I have a CentOS 7 Machine with Synergy Beta 2.0 installed, and a Windows 10 Machine with it installed 

At first it was all working fine ( no drag and drop - but that is for a later date)!

Now after I rebooted the Windows 10 Machine - It shows the Ltitle Display Image with a green line that just keeps moving but never turns all green.

I tried to Uninstall Synergy and ran CCleaner on the registry but after I re Install Synergy Beta 2 it does the same thing.

In this Beta there are No Menus at all so I cannot check any settings


CentOS 7 (RHEL 7 basically) = just a Dual Core Pentium G2020 64 B System w/ 8G RAM

Windows 10 v 1703 Buiold 15063.483 = a Hex Core Xeon W3680 w 30G RAM



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It seems like it may be not logged into what ever cloud server that it opened up when I first started Synergy 2.0 Beta  (Just a Wild Guess)

(It opened a web page I logged into - then said it was connected)

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Paul Suarez

Hi @W8WCA. Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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I thought I put in all that in my first post but here goes:

It is Beta 2.0 (Synergy 2.0.0-beta2)<-- added this  and there NO menus at all  - so no way to pick server/client either.


CentOS 7 (RHEL 7 basically) = just a Dual Core Pentium G2020 64 B System w/ 8G RAM

Windows 10 v 1703 Buiold 15063.483 = a Hex Core Xeon W3680 w 30G RAM


I see I did not mention the Win 10 is 64 bit (But Most people do not run Hex Cores and 30 G RAM with a 32 Bit OS)


From another post I did find out how to get a log file



Screen Shot 07-13-17 at 11.41 AM.PNG

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OK Some more info:

(I will post all here vs the other Thread I started)


If I do a Windows System Restore, to just before I installed Synergy 2.0.0-beta2

It will work after I let it do the reboot it wants

BUT - If I reboot again - it will not work


From When It Works: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-07-14/432-2017-07-14T11-48-53.log


From after it worked then I reboot Windows 10: https://synergy-logs.symless.com/2017-07-14/432-2017-07-14T11-55-14.log

It does not work after a normal reboot



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Paul Suarez

Hi @W8WCA. Just want to clarify something. I'm seeing that one of the IP addresses on the logs shows a WAN IP address. What firewall are you using on your centOS machine?

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My CentOS machine is Centos7

And I am usong Firewalld I am not real used to it yet.

Bern using iptables and a script for years


I use that machine as a gateway router also it has 2 NICs 


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Paul Suarez

I see. Looking at the logs, it could be that there's one machine which is only configured to accept incoming connection and not with outgoing connection. Please double check on the firewall settings.

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I am not sure - The Windows Machine - I turned off the Firewall to test

The CentOS Box  -  I will have to try to set a rule - what port does it need open? -> I cannot just "turn" off the firewall to test - as it acts as my gateway-router

(And I take it it only needs to have the port open for the Internal Network)


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Well I have done all I can - I guess I will just have to give up on Synergy (2 Beta) for now

Thanks for the tips you have given me.


I sure wish it would work here!

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I did discover one thing:

If I ununstall Synergy Beta2 and then Delete the Symless folder in user/myname/AppData/local/symless, edit the register and remove every synergy and symless I can fine - then run The Cleaner on the register

It will work after I re install it. That is Until I reboot.



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Well it was working fine and then I closed out Autodesk Inventor

As soon as it closed: Synergy "disconnected" and goes back to a never ending green line moving across the display icon

Any clues on that?

I do not believe in coincidence - (but it 'could' be). 

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Paul Suarez

Sorry that it is still now working on your setup @W8WCA. Would it be cool if we try to do another set of steps to try and narrow that the possibilities of what might be causing this problem?

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Any ideas?

I even uninstalled VMWareworkstation and it's Virtual Network components 

And did the steps to completely remove Synergy v2 (I have to Uninstall, Delete /user/app data files manually find and delete any Symless or Synergy from windows registery to get it to work after I uninstall and re install it.

The key to getting it completely uninstalled is: When I start it up after re installing it seems to need to come up with the Notice about Clicking a button that opens the web broswer and log onto Symless

(It takes a lot of time each attempt)!

Re installed Synergy beta2 and it still does  the same thing!

I even stopped all processes not needed same thing


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Paul Suarez

After installing it and testing that it works, can you try closing Synergy on both machines first before rebooting them @W8WCA?

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Paul Suarez

Also, if it is still working after closing Synergy and rebooting, please try to reproduce the scenario of closing Autodesk Inventor again. Let's check if it would  still trigger Synergy to drop their connection.

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I am working on it.

It takes apx 20 minutes each time I have to do this.

If you had an uninstall that completely worked it would have saved me a lot of hours so far!

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