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Three finger Swipe on Client


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Hi there,

Just bought the license for PRO version.

Setup: iMac (Server), rMBP (Client), Magic Mouse 2, Magic Trackpad

I can do three finger swipe gestures on the server mac but not on the client mac. Any suggestions/help is appreciated.


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Paul Suarez
1 hour ago, Murthy said:

Yes. When I connect the trackpad via Bluetooth , it works just fine. 

This is when you are doing three finger swipe gesture on your server machine while you have the trackpad connected to your client machine, correct?

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Think you may have misunderstood my issue. Here it is again:

Server : iMac 2017, 27", macOS Sierra, Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad

Client: rMBP 2016, macOS Sierra

Issue: Can't do three finger gestures like three finger swipe to move desktops on client.

So client isn't connected to trackpad .. it is connected to Sever.



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Paul Suarez

For gestures, I think it needs to have the same hardware on the other machine for it to be recognized since it can have custom actions to perform.

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So you mean, I need to purchase another Magic Trackpad and connect it to the client Mac? Since my client Mac is a laptop it has the trackpad. 

I am not sure if I am following you properly.

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Paul Suarez

Sorry for the confusions @Murthy. I tried to dig deeper in to this issue and found this Gestures broken for Magic Mouse on Mac client #2905 . It was confirmed to be a bug and our developers are doing the best they can to have a fix for this.

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  • 10 months later...

Any update on this topic?  It's been nearly a year, and the link to that #2905 is broken...  I'd love to have Synergy pass gestures between my mac server and my mac client...

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Just figured I'd add another voice to the chorus of "please make the full range of trackpad gestures work on Mac". Or, at least make it clearer that they DO NOT work. It's really quite awkward to have to adjust to certain things feeling missing/broken on all macs but the server. In my case, my "client" machines are not infrequently used or of lesser priority—both machines are fairly fundamental to my workflow, and it would be great if we could use the gestures on both.

Thanks for your consideration.

(This is one of those situations where source code access would be great, too, as I could explore fixing it myself)

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Kelvin Tran

Moved to Feature Ideas to better reflect the nature of this post.

It's my understanding that gesture support is coming in Synergy 3, which should be fully available in 2022 and as an alpha later this year or early next year.

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  • 5 months later...
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  • 5 months later...
Ian Doddridge

Just purchased and came across this problem within 2 mins, running iMac & MBP, MPB runs parallels so switching desktops quickly and easily is crucial for me.

This thread is 4.5 years old, isn't it time you address this relatively simple issue which is causing many people a lot of pain

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Would really love this, too. 
I was using ctrl-rightarrow and ctrl-leftarrow for navigating but it appears my upgrade to 1.14.2 caught me with a bug where key combinations don't work. R\I've already requested downgrade to 1.14.0 due to inverted scrolling problem. Hope that fixes this, too. For now, I switched keyboard shortcuts for Mission Control to use other than ctrl-arrow keys.

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I just found an RC was available for 1.14.3. Installed it for Mac Monterey and Fedora. Control-arrow problem seems to be resolved. This leaves me back to starting point looking for all of the Mac Trackpad gestures to be passed to clients tho now the standard keyboard controls are working again.

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  • 9 months later...

I'd like to map my Mac's three-finger swipe to Windows' Task View keyboard shortcut.

To generalize, being able to map Mac touchpad gestures to Windows keyboard commands would be swell.

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Here's what I do when I'm WFH (so I can use gestures etc) :

Left : Personal MacBook Pro M1 (no Synergy software running)

Middle : Work MacBook Pro M1 (Synergy Server), Magic Keyboard 2, Magic Trackpad 2 and Microsoft "Modern Mobile Mouse"

Right : Ubuntu 22.04 Ryzen desktop (synergy client)

Right/Bottom : Ubuntu 22.10 Ryzen Thinkpad (synergy client)

I use BOTH "Universal Control" - and - Synergy at the same time!  i.e. the leftmost MacBook doesn't run Synergy - I use Universal Control on the middle MacBook to control the left one (which naturally enough - supports ALL gestures - e.g. three finger sideways for desktops, upwards for mission control).

Here's what I'm hoping for - in Synergy "eventually" - GESTURE support - AND - WAYLAND!  


Edited by UnixOutlaw
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