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Server IP on client Synergy configs not saving

Scott B

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"Server IP" configured on the client Synergy settings not saving after I reboot the Mac.

SERVER - Windows 7 v10.12.5 64bit OS - running V1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2 Synergy

CLIENT - macOS Sierra - running v1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2 Synergy

both connected via Ethernet to same LAN segment. 

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  • 2 months later...

Scott B: are you entering the server name or the server IP?

I was having a similar problem. 

I have an Ubuntu system as my server, clients are Win7 and MacOS Sierra (10.12.6).

In the past I was able to save a server _name_ (as opposed to server IP) on my Mac, and this still works on my Win7 client.  However, on Mac I must now use the IP (not the server _name_).  Entering the server _name_ works fine in the session, but on reboot the server name has been forgotten.  

Once the server IP is entered and saved, it works fine.  Further attempts to save the server _name_ (rather than the server IP) fail, and only the server IP is ever retained.  

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/23/2017 at 4:45 PM, Scott B said:

"Server IP" configured on the client Synergy settings not saving after I reboot the Mac.

SERVER - Windows 7 v10.12.5 64bit OS - running V1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2 Synergy

CLIENT - macOS Sierra - running v1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2 Synergy

both connected via Ethernet to same LAN segment. 

I have the exact same issue 
(except using macOS High Sierra)


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  • 3 months later...

This is a problem that has been in Synergy since early versions. I've been using Synergy since 2006. Full disclosure, I bought v2 but don't use it; it has another host of issues, some of these 1.8 issues may be resolved.

Every instance of Synergy I've ever had, I've had this issue as you describe. Settings like the server for the client or, even more annoyingly, the license. So I cannot even connect until I get my license code on that machine again, and re-insert it so I can connect via SSL. I've considered just ditching the UI and sticking to command line, using scripts to start/stop etc, but not sure how that would work. So, I've purchased some 10GigE cards so I can just X Forwarding between my workstations, since Synergy is wonky. Look- I'm not saying Synergy is wonky on just a handful of platforms. Here's some math:
- I started using Synergy in 2006
- I've never had less than 3 machines
- None of my workstations have ever gone more than two years without a fresh install, new hardware, etc.

Thus I've had issues with saving configuration on probably more than 36 installs. Nothing complicated about my setup. Over the years I've stuck to Arch, Debian and Fedora; main stream distributions. I don't hack the software or try to do something with it other than the basics. I don't modify the default settings except to occasionally disable clipboard sharing.

I think Synergy is a great idea, but I would say 1/10 times you start it you're going to have to *something*.

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  • 2 years later...

I think the issue you're running into is that it saves on exit.

But because of the nature of Synergy, people don't exit it normally. The majority of the time when Synergy ends it is because of a crash, or an error, or Synergy itself freezing. So users never get a clean close-down of the software.

I understand your points because they used to drive me crazy, until I realised that I needed to either explicitly save the configuration to a conf file once I was happy with it, or at least quit the software while everything was happy for it to save properly.


Once you have a conf file you're golden, and then the only thing you need to worry about are running crashes / zombie processes, which you need to write a daemon on OSX, or a systemd service config to check it's health and restart if it stops responding. 



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