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Mouse Getting Stuck In Corner

Litens Automotive

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Litens Automotive

I have a windows 10 machine set as my server
Windows 8.1 machine set as a client


When I log out of the server, and attempt to move the mouse to the client, the mouse gets stuck in the corner (right side) of the client and can only travel up and down. If it makes a difference, the taskbar is set on the right side on the client, and on the bottom on the server.

I attempted setting the compability setting for the .exe as outlined in your FAQ

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Paul Suarez

Hi @Litens Automotive. Please set Synergy on both machines to always elevate.

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click Setting
  3. Set Elevate to Always
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Apply or Start

Let us know how it goes.

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Paul Suarez
On 6/22/2017 at 3:33 AM, Litens Automotive said:

When I log out of the server

When you say you log out, do you mean you are turning the computer off? or just logging out the user account you are using on that server machine?

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Litens Automotive

@Paul Suarez

I am just logging out of the user account on the "server" workstation. No restart, no shutdown.

I am aware that the application will not function if the server is down.

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Litens Automotive

We are trying to set up this application at a users desk where there are two or more users who use these machines daily. So Logging out is required. A lock is not sufficient.

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Paul Suarez

I see. That setup would be tricky since elevating Synergy can cause Synergy to be left running on the user where it was locked. Are both users have admin access to that machine?

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Litens Automotive

no. Both users are standard users. No users in our organization are admins for security purposes. So this is not an option.

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