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computers not connecting after upgrade

Thomas Fulmer

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Thomas Fulmer
i have 2 windows7 64 bit pcs. i keep getting timed out: failed to connect message on client pc I have newest version on each , disabled ssl, disabled firewalls, tried adding exceptions to firewalls before that, they were both working before the new version. I did switch which was server but had uninstalled and re-installed new versions and did that when i was setting them up. I have made sure ip was the correct one. not sure what else to try??
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Esther Singer
Disabling SSL on both computers ( I use a Mac as server and PC as client) helped! thanks! BTW what is SSL encryption and why do I need it?
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Esther - encryption is designed to make it so that a third party cannot view the letters you type from the server's keyboard into the client's screen. Normally (without encryption) these are clearly visible on the network. With encryption, it is not possible to view them. This is mostly only useful for people who use Synergy in a hostile networking environment - public networks, corporate networks with potential attackers, etc. For the average user using it at home, the risk is minimal. Someone would have to break into your network in order to view your traffic. Your traffic would have to be valuable enough for someone to WANT to break into it. Some people lock only the door handle on their front door - others lock the deadbolt too. Synergy's encryption is like the deadbolt. You have to decide for yourself how secure you need your data to be.
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