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Mac OS 10.10.3 Gestures

Eddie Rivera

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Eddie Rivera
My setup is made up of a 27inch iMac and a MacPro (Trashcan Model) with and Apple Thunderbolt screen. iMac 32gb Mem SSD HD MacPro 64gb Mem SSD HD I use a Trackpad and a Wired Keyboard, the MacPro is the "Synergy" server the iMac is the Client. [b]Is there a way to translate Gestures such as Exposé or Pinch,Zoom to the client machine using "Synergy"?[/b] other than a horizontal scrolling issue with the client, See [url]http://synergy-project.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=17[/url] All else is great. Love this software! Thank you!
Eddie Rivera
So I see that it works correctly on the server just not on the client, are you saying that this currently is known and expected. Or are you saying that this has never worked, and maybe to go further, will never work? Thank you for such a great product!


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