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Clipboard functionality not working at all

Bruno Magalhães

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Bruno Magalhães



I have just purchased synergy and I am bit disappointed since one of the main features is not working at all.


My server is Windows10 and my client is macOS Sierra. Mouse & Keyboard work, but the clipboard does not. I cannot copy text nor files.


Here's the log file when I copy a file in the mac and then switch to windows:


[2016-10-20T21:21:48] INFO: screen "Brunos-MacBook-Pro.local" grabbed clipboard 0 from "Bruno-PC"
[2016-10-20T21:21:48] INFO: screen "Brunos-MacBook-Pro.local" grabbed clipboard 1 from "Bruno-PC"
[2016-10-20T21:21:55] INFO: switch from "Brunos-MacBook-Pro.local" to "Bruno-PC" at 3,508
[2016-10-20T21:21:55] INFO: entering screen
[2016-10-20T21:21:56] INFO: screen "Brunos-MacBook-Pro.local" updated clipboard 0
[2016-10-20T21:21:57] INFO: screen "Brunos-MacBook-Pro.local" updated clipboard 1


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