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Windows Lock screen focus makes connection drop

raphael audet

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raphael audet



I'm running Linux master (debian jessie, gnome3), Windows 10 client, running 1.8.3 pro, with ssl.

Synergy works but my client gets disconnected everytime I click on windows lock screen to enter password. Should I change something to avoid getting disconnected like this ?


ps : I also recently lost the ability to lock the windows client with win+L

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  • 3 weeks later...
Benjamin s Weigand

I'm seeing a similar issue. I'm running 1.8.4-stable-a6ff907 with a Win10 (Anniversary Update) host and an OS X 10.12.1 client over ssl.


If I lock my windows screen (using "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"), and lock my Mac (Keychain Toolbar -> Lock Screen), when I return to my workstation, I'm unable to use the mouse/keyboard on the Windows system at all unless I reboot (hard reboot, since I have limited/no control on the windows desktop).


The work-around I'm using is to stop Synergy on both hosts prior to locking either screen, which is a minor pita. Occasionally, after unlocking both systems and restarting synergy, I experience frequent connection drops after this. The only cure for the dropped connections is to reboot one/both systems (medium or major pita depending on how much setup is required for the project I'm working on).

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raphael audet

I've updated the 1.8.4, the issue doesnt happen so often, maybe a windows update fixed something.


Still happens a couple times per day, I'll try to make an MO for this

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm seeing the same problem whenever Windows 10 prompts for administrative rights or permissions. The connection drops. I have a hotkey setup specifically for this. When this happens it switches my connection automatically back to my main machine (Arch Linux), then I have to wait a few seconds, hit the hot key combo then the connection will be restored back to the Windows 10 machine.

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