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1.7.6 looses connection constantly

Bart van Leeuwen

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Bart van Leeuwen
Hi I've recently upgrade from the latest free version 1.4.12 from ubuntu repository to 1.7.6 I bought the license because it is the right thing to do. However experience hasn't been good. Since the upgrade one of my 2 ubuntu machines looses connection all the time, while with the old version I had no issues at all. The client says 'connection timeout' and leaves me no other option then on the server do a start/stop. I've looked through all the hints here on the forum but nothing helps. please advice Bart
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Zach Borgerding
I've had the same problem since last year (around August), only going from Win 7 client to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Seemed to happen right after the SSL plugin was released. Tried to email support. Even got on the beta list for a while. Was unable to ever get it resolved. It still happens several times per day. I just stop / start the server on the Ubuntu machine. Might be related to some of the old clipboard bugs. I've just assumed that it will never get fixed since the issue is hard to isolate.
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  • 1 month later...
kevin conroy
It's awful - it really is. There is such flakiness from version to version, its unfathomable. As a product by developers ostensibly for developers, shocking really. What really stings is the total lack of any useful debug to inform me what's gone wrong. Server side: [2016-07-06T09:45:50] NOTE: new client is unresponsive [2016-07-06T09:45:50] NOTE: accepted client connection [2016-07-06T09:45:51] NOTE: new client is unresponsive [2016-07-06T09:45:51] NOTE: new client is unresponsive [2016-07-06T09:45:51] NOTE: accepted client connection Client Side Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xx:24800 Connecting to server connected: wait for hello disconnected Crank up the debug doesn't help. This is 32bit RH to 64bit RH, also Win7 64bit.. Will now spend time cranking through the old versions trying to find one that works. Give me strength.
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