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Make an option to supress screensaver

Ihor Romanyshyn

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Ihor Romanyshyn
Please, make it possible to suppress the screensaver, if user currently interacts on any screen. In my situation it will allow to quickly go to another PC without entering password (it doesn't need to be locked while one of PC's is currently in use).
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  • 8 months later...
I am working on the Client (Windows) machine when the screen saver on my Server (OSX) activates. This only has appeared to start happening in recent versions (maybe since 1.7+ that I recall this happening.) Kind of annoying cause I like the option to sync my screen saver across machines and require password upon coming back as a security measure and quick locking of all my machines at once with an OSX hot corner to activate the screen saver. But now with my screen saver coming on due to inactivity from working on the Client machine this option is getting more frustrating than useful. Looking forward to anything on this that might appear to have just been a bug introduced an not intended to be that way. (edit: I did just look at my server configuration and noticed that I did have an old PC in my configuration, ex, server -> PC1 -> PC2 all going from left to right for screen edge configuration. I have now removed this and will post again if this resolved the issue.) (edit2: this didn't resolve the issue.) Thanks!
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  • 1 year later...

I have seen this problem as far back as 2012, and frankly this is why I gave up on Synergy when I could. After 5 years I now need Synergy due to new working environments, and I'm deeply saddened to see that this hasn't been fixed in 5 years.

Note that any client is subject to this. I am using an iMac server and Macbook Pro client and it will enable the screensaver while I'm actively typing or clicking on the client.

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