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Why you should not buy Synergy

Eugene Fedorov

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Eugene Fedorov
I've bought this software 2 weeks ago, after my Sharemouse 1 year of uses have expired. I want to try something new, I like how mouse moves with Synergy but I've founded a lot of troubles with this soft and I've tried to contact with support and post a topic on forum, and after almost 2 weeks no one didn't help me. 10$ lost, app deleted. You can check synergy problems [url=http://synergy-project.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1214&p=3507#p3507]here[/url] So in generally, if you want buy Synergy and you have less then 2 monitors i Advice you to use share mouse. If you have more then 2 monitors like me, you should think twice to pay 50$ for year license or leave with Synergy unhandy problems. For me this problems are insufferable. peace ;)
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Edward Targonski
Seems kind of lazy on your part. I have 6 monitors covering a Windows 8.1, OS X El Capitan, Kubutnu 15.10, and Debian Linux systems with no issues once I got the configuration right. There were some initial config issues which I was able to overcome with google, reading forums and troubleshooting.
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Brian Schmalz
[quote="Edward Targonski"]Seems kind of lazy on your part. I have 6 monitors covering a Windows 8.1, OS X El Capitan, Kubutnu 15.10, and Debian Linux systems with no issues once I got the configuration right. There were some initial config issues which I was able to overcome with google, reading forums and troubleshooting.[/quote] Because that's what you want when you buy a piece of software, troubleshooting and google searches to get it to work?
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Jeremy Dixon
So.... You literally tried NOTHING to fix the problem by yourself? Yeah... okay. Definitely not the type of person I'd want in this community. Can happily say after using Synergy for more than a year, I've had literally 0 problems. Mostly because I go out of my way to fix them instead of waiting to have everything handed to me on a silver platter.
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Bas van Rijn
I bought it today and have the same feeling. I used to use Synergy years ago and today I needed it again for a project.. Googled the website, found out its sold instead free now. Ok no biggy just pay the 10 dollars, I understand that people need to get paid and good software (which it always was!) is worth that. Up until the payment, 0 issues. Site looks nice and clean but when I try to download it stops randomly with "network error". I tried different connections, even through a phone and the same problem. When I finally got it to download in one piece (Windows x64 1.7.5), the setup does not want to install. The wizard starts, I click next and agree to the license and click next again. Agree to the default path (I tried others, didn't matter) and click install. Very quickly it shows "Synergy (64-BIT) setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error. And that's it. Not telling me what or why it happend, just "an error". I even tried the beta 1.8 setup, same issue. I have not tried a different PC though. This is all on a x64 Windows 8.1 install. When I buy something I expect something that works, not that I have to manually extract the MSI file and try to get it working with manually copy/pasting the files which until now I have not succeeded. I gave up, no time today to fiddle more to get this working. I could have bought a few beers for that price and right now that feels like the better option. Edit: I have to revise my opinion after cooling down. Today I tried to investigate a bit more and found that that the installer is working on other machines. I found some odd registry keys for synergy. I cleaned my Windows register for everything to do with Synergy and cleaned the program files folder for leftover dll files after a previous Synergy installation, the installer went through without errors this time. I got it working now!
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